Your search for Burglar and fire alarms
Number of alerts found: 13

Framework agreement for inspections, service and maintenance of fire alarm systems and emergency and guiding lights.

Boligbygg Oslo KF invites tenderers to an open tender contest for a framework agreement for inspections, service and maintenance of fire alarm systems and emergency and guiding lights. Boligbygg Oslo KF invites tenderers to an open tender contest for a framework agreement for inspections, service and maintenance of fire alarm …

CPV: 51900000 Installation services of guidance and control systems, 31518200 Emergency lighting equipment, 31521310 Warning lights, 31527260 Lighting systems, 31625000 Burglar and fire alarms, 34990000 Control, safety, signalling and light equipment, 35121700 Alarm systems, 45312000 Alarm system and antenna installation work, 45312100 Fire-alarm system installation work
April 10, 2025, 10 a.m.
Deadline type:
Submitting a bid
Place of execution:
Framework agreement for inspections, service and maintenance of fire alarm systems and emergency and guiding lights.
Awarding body:
Oslo kommune v/ Boligbygg Oslo KF
Award number:
March 11, 2025, 1:08 a.m.
Dynamisk Indkøbssystem - Sikringsydelser - 2024

Aarhus Kommune genudbyder i 2023 et Dynamisk Indkøbssystem på sikringsydelser, der vil være gældende for Konkrete Indkøb af sikringsydelser fra 2024 og frem. Det Dynamiske Indkøbssystem omfatter sikringsydelser, herunder automatisk brandalarmering, automatisk indbrudsalarmering, TV-overvågning og blandede sikringsydelser, og er fordelt på en række kategorier.Aarhus Kommunes anslåede samlede forbrug af ydelser, …

CPV: 45312000 Alarm system and antenna installation work, 45312100 Fire-alarm system installation work, 31625000 Burglar and fire alarms
Place of execution:
Dynamisk Indkøbssystem - Sikringsydelser - 2024
Awarding body:
Aarhus Kommune
Award number:
March 11, 2025, 12:35 a.m.
Inspections, service, maintenance and repairs of fire alarm systems, emergency guiding lights, sprinkler installations, manual extinguishing equipment, smoke hatches, speech alarms, fire curtains and bloated installations (frying extinguishing system).

The contracting authority hereby invites tenderers to a competition for a framework agreement for inspections, service, maintenance and repairs of technical fire installations to the municipalities of Fredrikstad and Hvaler. The contracting authority hereby invites tenderers to a competition for a framework agreement for inspections, service, maintenance and repairs of …

CPV: 50800000 Miscellaneous repair and maintenance services, 31625000 Burglar and fire alarms, 31625200 Fire-alarm systems, 35100000 Emergency and security equipment, 35111300 Fire extinguishers, 45343000 Fire-prevention installation works, 45343100 Fireproofing work, 71356100 Technical control services
April 8, 2025, 10 a.m.
Deadline type:
Submitting a bid
Place of execution:
Inspections, service, maintenance and repairs of fire alarm systems, emergency guiding lights, sprinkler installations, manual extinguishing equipment, smoke hatches, speech alarms, fire curtains and bloated installations (frying extinguishing system).
Awarding body:
Fredrikstad kommune
Award number:
March 6, 2025, 12:22 a.m.
Security guard services, reception, turn-outs and service.

Nordre Follo municipality needs to enter into a framework agreement with a tenderer for security guard services in connection with securing the municipality ́s properties. The framework agreement shall include, among other things, security guard services, turn-outs, alarm reception and fixed service for the municipality ́s alarm system. Nordre Follo …

CPV: 79710000 Security services, 31625000 Burglar and fire alarms, 35121700 Alarm systems, 45312000 Alarm system and antenna installation work, 79711000 Alarm-monitoring services, 79713000 Guard services, 79715000 Patrol services
April 30, 2025, 10 a.m.
Deadline type:
Submitting a bid
Place of execution:
Security guard services, reception, turn-outs and service.
Awarding body:
Award number:
March 1, 2025, 2:15 a.m.
Esamos VU gaisro aptikimo ir signalizavimo sistemos įrenginiai ir dalys, Nr. 1245

Atviras konkursas Atviras konkursas

CPV: 31625000 Burglar and fire alarms
March 27, 2025, 10 a.m.
Deadline type:
Submitting a bid
Place of execution:
Esamos VU gaisro aptikimo ir signalizavimo sistemos įrenginiai ir dalys, Nr. 1245
Awarding body:
Vilniaus universitetas (PV)
Award number:
Feb. 27, 2025, 4:50 a.m.
Lås och larm, ramavtal för service och installation Sotenäs kommun

Ramavtal för installation, service och underhåll av Sotenäs kommuns Lås och Larmsystem Här ingår också kamerabevakning och personlarm. Ramavtal för installation, service och underhåll av Sotenäs kommuns Lås och Larmsystem Här ingår också kamerabevakning och personlarm.

CPV: 98395000 Locksmith services, 31625000 Burglar and fire alarms, 31625300 Burglar-alarm systems, 45312200 Burglar-alarm system installation work, 35121700 Alarm systems, 45312000 Alarm system and antenna installation work, 44521110 Door locks, 44521120 Electronic security lock, 45311000 Electrical wiring and fitting work
March 24, 2025, midnight
Deadline type:
Submitting a bid
Place of execution:
Lås och larm, ramavtal för service och installation Sotenäs kommun
Awarding body:
Sotenäs kommun
Award number:
Feb. 22, 2025, 5:26 a.m.
Gebied Zee-Zevenaar - Vervanging Tunnel Technische Installaties Betuweroute, fase 2

De onderhavige aanbesteding heeft betrekking op het leveren en vervangen van technische installaties welke aan het einde van de levensduur zijn in de tunnels op de Betuweroute (Botlektunnel, Sophiatunnel, Giessentunnel, PanKantunnel en de Zevenaartunnel). zie aanbestedingsdossier Perceel heeft betrekking op het leveren en vervangen van technische installaties welke aan het …

CPV: 45315100 Electrical engineering installation works, 31625000 Burglar and fire alarms, 35111300 Fire extinguishers, 35125100 Sensors, 38431100 Gas-detection apparatus, 42122000 Pumps, 45350000 Mechanical installations, 71318100 Artificial and natural lighting engineering services for buildings, 71631400 Technical inspection services of engineering structures
Place of execution:
Gebied Zee-Zevenaar - Vervanging Tunnel Technische Installaties Betuweroute, fase 2
Awarding body:
ProRail B.V.
Award number:
Feb. 18, 2025, 8:10 a.m.
Nákup náhradných dielov NON-IT

Toto oznámenie sa týka zriadenia Dynamického nákupného systému (ďalej len "DNS"), v ktorom budú podľa operatívnych potrieb verejného obstarvateľa obstarávané tovary - dodávka rôzneho, najmä však elektronického zariadenia a náhradných dielov, pre zariadenia typu UPS, klimatizácia, motor generátor a podporný elektrotechnický materiál súvisiaci s prevádzkou dátového centra a administratívnej budovy. …

CPV: 31680000 Electrical supplies and accessories, 42123000 Compressors, 31214510 Distribution switchboards, 42510000 Heat-exchange units, air-conditioning and refrigerating equipment, and filtering machinery, 35125100 Sensors, 42131140 Pressure-reducing, control, check or safety valves, 42531000 Parts of refrigerating equipment, 42132100 Valve actuators, 31210000 Electrical apparatus for switching or protecting electrical circuits, 42512500 Parts of air-conditioning machines, 31230000 Parts of electricity distribution or control apparatus, 42514310 Air filters, 42530000 Parts of refrigerating and freezing equipment and heat pumps, 09211200 Compressor lube oils, 24111700 Nitrogen, 38420000 Instruments for measuring flow, level and pressure of liquids and gases, 31214100 Switches, 31224100 Plugs and sockets, 31532900 Fluorescent lights, 31211310 Cut-outs, 31211300 Fuses, 31220000 Electrical circuit components, 31212000 Circuit breakers, 31221000 Electrical relays, 31215000 Voltage limiters, 31216100 Lightning-protection equipment, 31156000 Interruptible power supplies, 42961000 Command and control system, 31711150 Electrical capacitors, 31524120 Ceiling lights, 34928470 Signage, 32540000 Switchboards, 31214500 Electric switchboards, 31711100 Electronic components, 30237280 Power supply accessories, 30231310 Flat panel displays, 31670000 Electrical parts of machinery or apparatus, 31157000 Inductors, 39714100 Ventilators, 31440000 Batteries, 31162000 Parts of transformers, inductors and static converters, 30237131 Electronic cards, 42120000 Pumps and compressors, 44440000 Bearings, 42913500 Air-intake filters, 31214200 Switch disconnector, 31720000 Electromechanical equipment, 34312000 Engine parts, 34312700 Rubber transmission belts, 34320000 Mechanical spare parts except engines and engine parts, 34325000 Silencers and exhaust pipes, 31158100 Battery chargers, 31158300 Turbocharger, 42122000 Pumps, 34990000 Control, safety, signalling and light equipment, 42130000 Taps, cocks, valves and similar appliances, 30237475 Electric sensors, 38425300 Depth indicators, 31211110 Control panels, 44482000 Fire-protection devices, 44480000 Miscellaneous fire-protection equipment, 39516120 Pillows, 44141000 Conduit, 35125300 Security cameras, 31682200 Instrument panels, 31625100 Fire-detection systems, 31731100 Modules, 32442200 Terminal boxes, 30216100 Optical readers, 31625000 Burglar and fire alarms, 31625200 Fire-alarm systems, 31518200 Emergency lighting equipment, 30233300 Smart card readers, 44167300 Bends, tees and pipe fittings, 39525200 Filter elements of cloth, 42955000 Parts of filtering machinery, 42131120 Sluice valves, 38570000 Regulating and controlling instruments and apparatus, 44174000 Foil, 31642000 Electronic detection apparatus, 30237461 Programmable keyboards, 31625300 Burglar-alarm systems, 44521110 Door locks, 44523000 Hinges, mountings and fittings, 44320000 Cable and related products, 30232700 Central controlling unit, 35121000 Security equipment, 44165100 Hoses, 34928310 Safety fencing, 34928220 Fencing components, 44400000 Miscellaneous fabricated products and related items, 44334000 Profiles, 34913800 Anchors, 31214130 Safety switches, 44423400 Signs and related items
Place of execution:
Nákup náhradných dielov NON-IT
Awarding body:
Award number:
Feb. 18, 2025, 6:43 a.m.
Digitale Funkmeldeempfänger und Ersatzteile

Bei der Leistung handelt es sich um den Abschluss eines neuen Rahmenvertrages über die Lieferung von digitalen Meldeempfängern und Zubehör/Ersatzteilen gemäß Leistungsbeschreibung für einen Zeitraum von 48 Monaten. Die Vertragslaufzeit beginnt zum 21.06.2025. Bei der Leistung handelt es sich um den Abschluss eines neuen Rahmenvertrages über die Lieferung von digitalen …

CPV: 31625000 Burglar and fire alarms, 32000000 Radio, television, communication, telecommunication and related equipment, 32500000 Telecommunications equipment and supplies, 45314000 Installation of telecommunications equipment
March 14, 2025, noon
Deadline type:
Submitting a bid
Place of execution:
Digitale Funkmeldeempfänger und Ersatzteile
Awarding body:
Vergabe und Beschaffungszentrum Dortmund
Award number:
Feb. 13, 2025, 5:36 a.m.
Procurement of an alarm management tool

The Contracting Authority, national municipal cooperation for the 110-centres IKS, invites tenderers to a competition for the procurement of an alarm management tool (AHV). The Contracting Authority, national municipal cooperation for the 110-centres IKS, invites tenderers to a competition for the procurement of an alarm management tool (AHV).

CPV: 31625000 Burglar and fire alarms, 31625200 Fire-alarm systems, 32412000 Communications network, 35121700 Alarm systems, 35711000 Command, control, communication systems, 48219700 Communications server software package, 48510000 Communication software package, 72212510 Communication software development services, 79711000 Alarm-monitoring services
Place of execution:
Procurement of an alarm management tool
Awarding body:
Award number:
Feb. 5, 2025, 4:15 a.m.