Your search for Building-fabric consultancy services
Number of alerts found: 9


Předmětem Veřejné zakázky je zajištění komplexních činností týmu správce stavby / projektového manažera v rámci (projektové) přípravy a realizace projektu Horní Počernice - byty, jež má být vystavěn na pozemcích parc. č. 4095/02 o výměře 42.543 m2, parc. č. 4095/15 o výměře 497 m2 a parc. č. 4095/16 o výměře …

CPV: 71300000 Engineering services, 71541000 Construction project management services, 71248000 Supervision of project and documentation, 71318000 Advisory and consultative engineering services, 71315100 Building-fabric consultancy services, 71315200 Building consultancy services, 71336000 Engineering support services, 71247000 Supervision of building work, 71315400 Building-inspection services, 71322100 Quantity surveying services for civil engineering works, 71520000 Construction supervision services, 71521000 Construction-site supervision services, 71324000 Quantity surveying services, 71600000 Technical testing, analysis and consultancy services, 71631000 Technical inspection services, 71317200 Health and safety services, 71317210 Health and safety consultancy services, 71244000 Calculation of costs, monitoring of costs
Dec. 23, 2024, noon
Deadline type:
Submitting a bid
Place of execution:
Awarding body:
Pražská developerská společnost, příspěvková organizace
Award number:
Nov. 22, 2024, 1:28 a.m.
Rammeaftale for Bygningsundersøgelser og nedrivningsrådgivning

Kontrakten er en rammeaftale med flere leverandører og omhandler miljøundersøgelser af bygninger og bygningsdele bl.a. i forbindelse med nedrivning og renovering af bygninger samt rådgivning i forbindelse med selve nedrivningen/renoveringen. Kontrakten er en rammeaftale med flere leverandører og omhandler miljøundersøgelser af bygninger og bygningsdele bl.a. i forbindelse med nedrivning og …

CPV: 71000000 Architectural, construction, engineering and inspection services, 71312000 Structural engineering consultancy services, 71313000 Environmental engineering consultancy services, 71315100 Building-fabric consultancy services, 71315210 Building services consultancy services, 71900000 Laboratory services, 90713000 Environmental issues consultancy services
Place of execution:
Rammeaftale for Bygningsundersøgelser og nedrivningsrådgivning
Awarding body:
Award number:
Nov. 13, 2024, 7:46 a.m.
Marché de Maîtrise d'oeuvre pour la rénovation du Lycée Jeanne d'Albret à Saint-Germain-en-Laye (78100)

La consultation a pour objet la désignation d'une équipe de maîtrise d'oeuvre pour la rénovation du Lycée Jeanne d'Albret à Saint-Germain-en-Laye (78100) La consultation a pour objet la désignation d'une équipe de maîtrise d'oeuvre pour la rénovation du Lycée Jeanne d'Albret à Saint-Germain-en-Laye (78)

CPV: 71200000 Architectural and related services, 71300000 Engineering services, 71242000 Project and design preparation, estimation of costs, 71244000 Calculation of costs, monitoring of costs, 71313000 Environmental engineering consultancy services, 71313100 Noise-control consultancy services, 71313200 Sound insulation and room acoustics consultancy services, 71314300 Energy-efficiency consultancy services, 71315100 Building-fabric consultancy services, 71315210 Building services consultancy services, 71317100 Fire and explosion protection and control consultancy services, 71328000 Verification of load-bearing structure design services, 71321100 Construction economics services, 71325000 Foundation-design services, 71330000 Miscellaneous engineering services, 71351500 Ground investigation services, 71400000 Urban planning and landscape architectural services, 71521000 Construction-site supervision services, 90650000 Asbestos removal services, 90660000 Deleading services
Place of execution:
Marché de Maîtrise d'oeuvre pour la rénovation du Lycée Jeanne d'Albret à Saint-Germain-en-Laye (78100)
Awarding body:
Région Ile de France
Award number:
Nov. 12, 2024, 8:30 a.m.
Rammeaftale om rådgivning - Energicentraler og Lagring

Udbuddet vedrører rammeaftale om teknisk rådgivning ved etablering af energicentraler og lagring i henhold til Vestforbrændings Varmeplan 2030 inkl. grænseflade til Bygherres fjernvarmenet. Bygherre er godt i gang med at udbygge fjernvarmenettet i sit forsyningsområde fra 8.000 til 40.000 slutkunder fordelt i fjernvarmeselskabets 7 fjernvarmekommuner. Udbygningen af selve forsyningsnettet udføres …

CPV: 71310000 Consultative engineering and construction services, 71311000 Civil engineering consultancy services, 71312000 Structural engineering consultancy services, 71313000 Environmental engineering consultancy services, 71313100 Noise-control consultancy services, 71315100 Building-fabric consultancy services, 71315210 Building services consultancy services, 71318000 Advisory and consultative engineering services, 71530000 Construction consultancy services, 71600000 Technical testing, analysis and consultancy services, 71621000 Technical analysis or consultancy services, 71800000 Consulting services for water-supply and waste consultancy, 85312300 Guidance and counselling services
Place of execution:
Rammeaftale om rådgivning - Energicentraler og Lagring
Awarding body:
I/S Vestforbrænding og datterselskaber
Award number:
Nov. 12, 2024, 7:28 a.m.
Rammeaftale om rådgivning - Energicentraler og Lagring

Udbuddet vedrører rammeaftale om teknisk rådgivning ved etablering af energicentraler og lagring i henhold til Vestforbrændings Varmeplan 2030 inkl. grænseflade til Bygherres fjernvarmenet. Bygherre er godt i gang med at udbygge fjernvarmenettet i sit forsyningsområde fra 8.000 til 40.000 slutkunder fordelt i fjernvarmeselskabets 7 fjernvarmekommuner. Udbygningen af selve forsyningsnettet udføres …

CPV: 71310000 Consultative engineering and construction services, 71311000 Civil engineering consultancy services, 71312000 Structural engineering consultancy services, 71313000 Environmental engineering consultancy services, 71313100 Noise-control consultancy services, 71315100 Building-fabric consultancy services, 71315210 Building services consultancy services, 71318000 Advisory and consultative engineering services, 71530000 Construction consultancy services, 71600000 Technical testing, analysis and consultancy services, 71621000 Technical analysis or consultancy services, 71800000 Consulting services for water-supply and waste consultancy, 85312300 Guidance and counselling services
Place of execution:
Rammeaftale om rådgivning - Energicentraler og Lagring
Awarding body:
I/S Vestforbrænding og datterselskaber
Award number:
Nov. 8, 2024, 8:54 a.m.
A81, VKE E035/E036, Bauwerks- und Schadstoffuntersuchungen für die Sanierung-, Abbruch- u. Entsorgungsarbeiten bei Ing.-Bw

A81, VKE E035 AS Neuenstadt - TU Hölzern, VKE E036 TU Hölzern - AK Weinsberg Bauwerks- und Schadstoffuntersuchungen für die Sanierung-, Abbruch- und Entsorgungsarbeiten bei Ingenieurbauwerken im Zuge der A 81 Die Bundesrepublik Deutschland vertreten durch die Autobahn des Bundes GmbH, vertreten durch die DEGES plant Erhaltungsmaßnahmen an der A81 …

CPV: 71300000 Engineering services, 71315100 Building-fabric consultancy services, 71322300 Bridge-design services, 71311220 Highways engineering services
Place of execution:
A81, VKE E035/E036, Bauwerks- und Schadstoffuntersuchungen für die Sanierung-, Abbruch- u. Entsorgungsarbeiten bei Ing.-Bw
Awarding body:
DEGES Deutsche Einheit Fernstraßenplanungs- und -bau GmbH
Award number:
Nov. 1, 2024, 2:19 a.m.
Rammeaftale om rådgivning - Energicentraler og Lagring

Udbuddet vedrører rammeaftale om teknisk rådgivning ved etablering af energicentraler og lagring i henhold til Vestforbrændings Varmeplan 2030 inkl. grænseflade til Bygherres fjernvarmenet. Bygherre er godt i gang med at udbygge fjernvarmenettet i sit forsyningsområde fra 8.000 til 40.000 slutkunder fordelt i fjernvarmeselskabets 7 fjernvarmekommuner. Udbygningen af selve forsyningsnettet udføres …

CPV: 71310000 Consultative engineering and construction services, 71311000 Civil engineering consultancy services, 71312000 Structural engineering consultancy services, 71313000 Environmental engineering consultancy services, 71313100 Noise-control consultancy services, 71315100 Building-fabric consultancy services, 71315210 Building services consultancy services, 71318000 Advisory and consultative engineering services, 71530000 Construction consultancy services, 71600000 Technical testing, analysis and consultancy services, 71621000 Technical analysis or consultancy services, 71800000 Consulting services for water-supply and waste consultancy, 85312300 Guidance and counselling services
Place of execution:
Rammeaftale om rådgivning - Energicentraler og Lagring
Awarding body:
I/S Vestforbrænding og datterselskaber
Award number:
Oct. 31, 2024, 7:29 a.m.
Správce stavby – Základní škola ROHAN, poradenství v oblasti řízení staveb

Předmětem plnění je poskytování služeb komplexního řízení stavebního projektu a činností členů realizačního týmu na níže vyjmenovaných pozicích, přičemž uvedené zahrnuje mj. cenové konzultace, odbornou technickou pomoc, kontrolní činnost a dále poskytování služeb technického dozoru stavebníka a koordinátora bezpečnosti a ochrany zdraví při práci, a to v souvislosti se záměrem …

CPV: 71000000 Architectural, construction, engineering and inspection services, 71244000 Calculation of costs, monitoring of costs, 71247000 Supervision of building work, 71248000 Supervision of project and documentation, 71300000 Engineering services, 71311000 Civil engineering consultancy services, 71315100 Building-fabric consultancy services, 71315200 Building consultancy services, 71315400 Building-inspection services, 71210000 Advisory architectural services, 71240000 Architectural, engineering and planning services, 71250000 Architectural, engineering and surveying services, 71242000 Project and design preparation, estimation of costs, 71317210 Health and safety consultancy services, 71317200 Health and safety services, 71318000 Advisory and consultative engineering services, 71322100 Quantity surveying services for civil engineering works, 71520000 Construction supervision services, 71521000 Construction-site supervision services, 71540000 Construction management services, 71541000 Construction project management services
Place of execution:
Správce stavby – Základní škola ROHAN, poradenství v oblasti řízení staveb
Awarding body:
Osmá správa majetku a služeb a.s.
Award number:
Oct. 30, 2024, 3:48 a.m.
Dynamic Purchasing System (DIO) procurement of consultancy services

The aim of the procurement is to enter into a dynamic purchasing system (DIO) that shall cover the contracting authority ́s need for consultancy services in all disciplines defined by KS as well as all disciplines within urban operations, infrastructure, area and environment. This is both for operation and investment …

CPV: 71000000 Architectural, construction, engineering and inspection services, 71200000 Architectural and related services, 71210000 Advisory architectural services, 71220000 Architectural design services, 71221000 Architectural services for buildings, 71222000 Architectural services for outdoor areas, 71222100 Urban areas mapping services, 71222200 Rural areas mapping services, 71223000 Architectural services for building extensions, 71230000 Organisation of architectural design contests, 71240000 Architectural, engineering and planning services, 71241000 Feasibility study, advisory service, analysis, 71242000 Project and design preparation, estimation of costs, 71243000 Draft plans (systems and integration), 71244000 Calculation of costs, monitoring of costs, 71245000 Approval plans, working drawings and specifications, 71310000 Consultative engineering and construction services, 71246000 Determining and listing of quantities in construction, 71247000 Supervision of building work, 71248000 Supervision of project and documentation, 71251000 Architectural and building-surveying services, 71300000 Engineering services, 71311000 Civil engineering consultancy services, 71311100 Civil engineering support services, 71311200 Transport systems consultancy services, 71354400 Hydrographic services, 71312000 Structural engineering consultancy services, 71313000 Environmental engineering consultancy services, 71313100 Noise-control consultancy services, 71313200 Sound insulation and room acoustics consultancy services, 71313400 Environmental impact assessment for construction, 71313410 Risk or hazard assessment for construction, 71313420 Environmental standards for construction, 71313430 Environmental indicators analysis for construction, 71313440 Environmental Impact Assessment (EIA) services for construction, 71326000 Ancillary building services, 71313450 Environmental monitoring for construction, 71314000 Energy and related services, 71314200 Energy-management services, 71314300 Energy-efficiency consultancy services, 71315100 Building-fabric consultancy services, 71315210 Building services consultancy services, 71315300 Building surveying services, 71315400 Building-inspection services, 71317200 Health and safety services, 71317210 Health and safety consultancy services, 71318100 Artificial and natural lighting engineering services for buildings, 71320000 Engineering design services, 71321000 Engineering design services for mechanical and electrical installations for buildings, 71321100 Construction economics services, 71321200 Heating-system design services, 71321300 Plumbing consultancy services, 71321400 Ventilation consultancy services, 71322000 Engineering design services for the construction of civil engineering works, 71322100 Quantity surveying services for civil engineering works, 71324000 Quantity surveying services, 71325000 Foundation-design services, 71330000 Miscellaneous engineering services, 71332000 Geotechnical engineering services, 71340000 Integrated engineering services, 71350000 Engineering-related scientific and technical services, 71351000 Geological, geophysical and other scientific prospecting services, 71351200 Geological and geophysical consultancy services, 71351700 Scientific prospecting services, 71355000 Surveying services, 71353000 Surface surveying services, 71353100 Hydrographic surveying services, 71353200 Dimensional surveying services, 71354000 Map-making services, 71354100 Digital mapping services, 71354300 Cadastral surveying services, 71356000 Technical services, 71356100 Technical control services, 71356200 Technical assistance services, 71356300 Technical support services, 71356400 Technical planning services, 71400000 Urban planning and landscape architectural services, 71410000 Urban planning services, 71420000 Landscape architectural services, 71500000 Construction-related services, 71510000 Site-investigation services, 71520000 Construction supervision services, 71530000 Construction consultancy services, 71540000 Construction management services, 71541000 Construction project management services, 71600000 Technical testing, analysis and consultancy services, 71620000 Analysis services, 71700000 Monitoring and control services, 71800000 Consulting services for water-supply and waste consultancy, 72000000 IT services: consulting, software development, Internet and support, 72100000 Hardware consultancy services, 72110000 Hardware selection consultancy services, 72130000 Computer-site planning consultancy services, 72200000 Software programming and consultancy services, 72220000 Systems and technical consultancy services, 72221000 Business analysis consultancy services, 72222300 Information technology services, 72224000 Project management consultancy services, 72227000 Software integration consultancy services, 72228000 Hardware integration consultancy services, 72240000 Systems analysis and programming services, 72246000 Systems consultancy services, 72300000 Data services, 73000000 Research and development services and related consultancy services, 73100000 Research and experimental development services, 73200000 Research and development consultancy services, 73210000 Research consultancy services, 73220000 Development consultancy services, 73300000 Design and execution of research and development, 79000000 Business services: law, marketing, consulting, recruitment, printing and security, 79200000 Accounting, auditing and fiscal services, 79212000 Auditing services, 79212100 Financial auditing services, 79212200 Internal audit services, 79300000 Market and economic research; polling and statistics, 79310000 Market research services, 79320000 Public-opinion polling services, 79330000 Statistical services, 79340000 Advertising and marketing services, 79342000 Marketing services, 79400000 Business and management consultancy and related services, 79411000 General management consultancy services, 79414000 Human resources management consultancy services, 79417000 Safety consultancy services, 79421000 Project-management services other than for construction work, 79421100 Project-supervision services other than for construction work, 79421200 Project-design services other than for construction work, 79430000 Crisis management services, 79600000 Recruitment services, 79620000 Supply services of personnel including temporary staff, 79635000 Assessment centre services for recruitment, 79700000 Investigation and security services, 79900000 Miscellaneous business and business-related services
Place of execution:
Dynamic Purchasing System (DIO) procurement of consultancy services
Awarding body:
Værnesregionen Innkjøp
Award number:
Sept. 5, 2024, 10:57 a.m.