Your search for Building consultancy services
Number of alerts found: 51

Ex-Ante Strategisch Huisvestingsadvies

Het betreft een aankondiging van wijziging van de oorspronkelijke opdracht 'Strategische adviesdiensten op het gebied van huisvesting' (TN271131) ex artikel 2.163e Aw Het betreft een aankondiging van wijziging van de oorspronkelijke opdracht 'Strategische adviesdiensten op het gebied van huisvesting' (TN271131) ex artikel 2.163e Aw

CPV: 70333000 Housing services, 71000000 Architectural, construction, engineering and inspection services, 71241000 Feasibility study, advisory service, analysis, 71315200 Building consultancy services, 75123000 Administrative housing services
Place of execution:
Ex-Ante Strategisch Huisvestingsadvies
Awarding body:
Award number:
March 14, 2025, 6:56 a.m.
2024/4253 - Framework agreement for consultant engineers who shall be part of Statsbygg's organisation.

Statsbygg requests tenders for a framework agreement for consultant engineers who shall be part of The Directorate of Public Construction and Property ́s organisation as internal professional consultants. An agreement will be signed with one tenderer. Statsbygg requests tenders for a framework agreement for consultant engineers who shall be part …

CPV: 71311000 Civil engineering consultancy services, 45220000 Engineering works and construction works, 71000000 Architectural, construction, engineering and inspection services, 71300000 Engineering services, 71310000 Consultative engineering and construction services, 71315200 Building consultancy services, 71318000 Advisory and consultative engineering services
April 11, 2025, 8 a.m.
Deadline type:
Submitting a bid
Place of execution:
2024/4253 - Framework agreement for consultant engineers who shall be part of Statsbygg's organisation.
Awarding body:
Award number:
March 13, 2025, 5:02 a.m.
Contrato de servicios de gestión de la Oficina Municipal de Rehabilitación de la Vivienda en Granada, para el desarrollo del Programa de ayuda a las actuaciones de rehabilitación a nivel de barrio del Plan de Recuperación, Transformación y Resiliencia, financiado por la Unión Europea- Next Generation UE

Constituye el objeto del contrato la prestación de servicios de oficina de rehabilitación tipo “ventanilla única”, a los propietarios o usufructuarios de las viviendas incluidas dentro de la delimitación del Entorno de Rehabilitación Residencial Programada, para coordinar, informar y facilitar la gestión de las ayudas y la prestación de servicios …

CPV: 71410000 Urban planning services, 71314300 Energy-efficiency consultancy services, 71315200 Building consultancy services, 79200000 Accounting, auditing and fiscal services
April 10, 2025, 6:30 p.m.
Deadline type:
Submitting a bid
Place of execution:
Contrato de servicios de gestión de la Oficina Municipal de Rehabilitación de la Vivienda en Granada, para el desarrollo del Programa de ayuda a las actuaciones de rehabilitación a nivel de barrio del Plan de Recuperación, Transformación y Resiliencia, financiado por la Unión Europea- Next Generation UE
Awarding body:
Junta de Gobierno del Ayuntamiento de Granada
Award number:
March 13, 2025, 4:43 a.m.

Avtalet omfattar tekniska konsulttjänster avseende Byggkonstruktör Vi kommer inte svara på frågor 23/12-2024-7/1-2025 Avtalet omfattar tekniska konsulttjänster avseende Byggkonstruktör Vi kommer inte svara på frågor 23/12-2024-7/1-2025

CPV: 71310000 Consultative engineering and construction services, 71315200 Building consultancy services, 71530000 Construction consultancy services
Place of execution:
Awarding body:
Tyresö bostäder AB
Award number:
March 13, 2025, 4 a.m.
Consultancy services - Framework agreement.

Sykehusbygg Health Trust shall procure a Framework agreement for consultancy services for use in planning and implementation of hospital building. The aim of the procurement is to engage resources into Sykehusbygg ́s organisation to assist us in carrying out construction projects that we have received from our owners. The tender …

CPV: 71000000 Architectural, construction, engineering and inspection services, 71200000 Architectural and related services, 71240000 Architectural, engineering and planning services, 71310000 Consultative engineering and construction services, 71311000 Civil engineering consultancy services, 71312000 Structural engineering consultancy services, 71313000 Environmental engineering consultancy services, 71315200 Building consultancy services, 71317000 Hazard protection and control consultancy services, 71317210 Health and safety consultancy services, 72224000 Project management consultancy services, 79400000 Business and management consultancy and related services
April 11, 2025, 10 a.m.
Deadline type:
Submitting a bid
Place of execution:
Consultancy services - Framework agreement.
Awarding body:
Sykehusbygg HF
Award number:
March 12, 2025, 4:33 a.m.
Prestations d'assistance et diverses études liées à la réalisation de projets de construction, restructuration, maintenance et exploitation du patrimoine bâti et non bâti du département

L'accord-cadre avec maximum est passé en application des articles L2125-1 1°, R. 2162-1 à R. 2162-6 à 2162-14 du Code de la commande publique. Il donnera lieu à l'émission de bons de commande et/ou à la conclusion de marchés subséquents, selon les modalités prévues par le Cahier des clauses administratives …

CPV: 71500000 Construction-related services, 71310000 Consultative engineering and construction services, 71356100 Technical control services, 71317210 Health and safety consultancy services, 71600000 Technical testing, analysis and consultancy services, 79723000 Waste analysis services, 71312000 Structural engineering consultancy services, 71353200 Dimensional surveying services, 71510000 Site-investigation services, 71315200 Building consultancy services, 72243000 Programming services, 71332000 Geotechnical engineering services, 90731100 Air quality management, 71300000 Engineering services, 71317100 Fire and explosion protection and control consultancy services
March 24, 2025, 4 p.m.
Deadline type:
Submitting a bid
Place of execution:
Prestations d'assistance et diverses études liées à la réalisation de projets de construction, restructuration, maintenance et exploitation du patrimoine bâti et non bâti du département
Awarding body:
Conseil départemental Meurthe et Moselle
Award number:
March 12, 2025, 4:23 a.m.
Výběr projektového manažera k projektu "Bytový dům u Tyršovy školy" Investiční akce PDS č. 46638

Předmětem Veřejné zakázky je zajištění komplexních činností týmu správce stavby / projektového manažera (dále jen „Projektový manažer“) v rámci (projektové) přípravy a realizace projektu „Bytový dům U Tyršovy školy“, jež má být vystavěn na pozemku parc. č. 764/9, 764/117, 764/118 a 764/266 v katastrálním území Jinonice, obec Praha, zapsaných na …

CPV: 71300000 Engineering services, 71541000 Construction project management services, 71248000 Supervision of project and documentation, 71318000 Advisory and consultative engineering services, 71315100 Building-fabric consultancy services, 71315200 Building consultancy services, 71336000 Engineering support services, 71247000 Supervision of building work, 71315400 Building-inspection services, 71322100 Quantity surveying services for civil engineering works, 71520000 Construction supervision services, 71521000 Construction-site supervision services, 71324000 Quantity surveying services, 71600000 Technical testing, analysis and consultancy services, 71631000 Technical inspection services, 71317200 Health and safety services, 71317210 Health and safety consultancy services, 71244000 Calculation of costs, monitoring of costs, 71230000 Organisation of architectural design contests
April 11, 2025, noon
Deadline type:
Submitting a bid
Place of execution:
Výběr projektového manažera k projektu "Bytový dům u Tyršovy školy" Investiční akce PDS č. 46638
Awarding body:
Pražská developerská společnost, příspěvková organizace
Award number:
March 12, 2025, 3:09 a.m.
VVS-Konsult 2025

Ramavtal VVS-Projektering, OVK-Besiktningar och Energideklarationer för Trollhättans Stad och vissa kommunala bolag. Upphandlingen är indelad i tre (3) olika avtalsområden vilka utvärderas och tilldelas separat. Anbud kan lämnas på valfritt antal avtalsområden. Upphandling av ramavtal inom tre olika avtalskategorier: 1. VVS-Konsult (Projektering & Utredning) 2. OVK-Besiktning 3. Energideklaration Generella krav …

CPV: 71000000 Architectural, construction, engineering and inspection services, 71300000 Engineering services, 71314000 Energy and related services, 71315200 Building consultancy services, 71321200 Heating-system design services, 71321300 Plumbing consultancy services, 71321400 Ventilation consultancy services, 71356100 Technical control services, 71530000 Construction consultancy services
April 8, 2025, 9:59 p.m.
Deadline type:
Submitting a bid
Place of execution:
VVS-Konsult 2025
Awarding body:
Trollhättans kommun
Award number:
March 11, 2025, 12:34 a.m.
2025/771 - Framework agreement for consulting engineer and architect services in Nordland Fylke og Sør-Troms

Statsbygg requests tenders for a framework agreement for consultancy engineers and architect services in Nordland County and Sør-Troms. This framework agreement expires at the latest in September 2026 and will then be included in this framework agreement. See the attached property list for an overview of which properties this applies …

CPV: 71240000 Architectural, engineering and planning services, 71000000 Architectural, construction, engineering and inspection services, 71200000 Architectural and related services, 71250000 Architectural, engineering and surveying services, 71315200 Building consultancy services
April 7, 2025, 8 a.m.
Deadline type:
Submitting a bid
Place of execution:
2025/771 - Framework agreement for consulting engineer and architect services in Nordland Fylke og Sør-Troms
Awarding body:
Award number:
March 8, 2025, 4:51 a.m.
2025/634 - Framework agreement for consultancy services within finance and performance management.

Statsbygg requests tender offers on: Framework agreement for consultancy services within finance and performance management An agreement shall be signed with one tenderer. There is a requirement for a certified manpower company in this competition that the tenderer is a certified staffing company, see the tender invitation points 2-3 and …

CPV: 72221000 Business analysis consultancy services, 71315200 Building consultancy services, 72224000 Project management consultancy services, 79311400 Economic research services, 79412000 Financial management consultancy services
March 19, 2025, 9 a.m.
Deadline type:
Submitting a bid
Place of execution:
2025/634 - Framework agreement for consultancy services within finance and performance management.
Awarding body:
Award number:
March 8, 2025, 4:35 a.m.