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Number of alerts found: 12

Achiziția în sistem centralizat de produse/articole de curățenie interioară în 2 loturi: LOT nr. 1 - produse de îngrijire și curățare a clădirilor/facilităților, inclusiv articole igienico-sanitare din hârtie, de uz general LOT nr. 2 - produse de îngrijire și curățare a clădirilor/facilităților de uz general care conțin substanțe biocide

Obiectul achiziției este reprezentat de furnizarea de produse/articole de curățenie interioară: produse de îngrijire și curățare a clădirilor/facilităților, inclusiv articole igienico-sanitare din hârtie de uz general (lotul nr. 1) si produse care conțin substanțe biocide de uz general (lotul nr. 2), precum și livrarea acestora la adresele indicate de către …

CPV: 39830000 Cleaning products, 19640000 Polythene waste and refuse sacks and bags, 33711900 Soap, 39224000 Brooms and brushes and other articles of various types, 39224320 Sponges, 39224330 Buckets, 39525100 Dusters, 39525800 Cleaning cloths, 39811100 Air freshener, 39812100 Floor polishes, 39831000 Washing preparations, 39831200 Detergents, 39831210 Dishwasher detergents, 39831220 Degreasing agents, 39831240 Cleaning compounds, 39831300 Floor cleaners, 39831600 Toilet cleaners, 39832000 Dishwashing products, 39833000 Anti-dust products
Place of execution:
Achiziția în sistem centralizat de produse/articole de curățenie interioară în 2 loturi: LOT nr. 1 - produse de îngrijire și curățare a clădirilor/facilităților, inclusiv articole igienico-sanitare din hârtie, de uz general LOT nr. 2 - produse de îngrijire și curățare a clădirilor/facilităților de uz general care conțin substanțe biocide
Awarding body:
Award number:
Nov. 21, 2024, 2:09 a.m.
Fourniture et livraison de composteurs en plastique, en bois et de bio seaux

La présente consultation concerne l'acquisition des équipements dédiés à la pratique du compostage individuel et collectif pour les ménages et les professionnels sur l'ensemble du territoire de la Communauté d'Agglomération Gap Tallard Durance. Le marché comprend la fourniture et la livraison de composteurs d'environ 300-400 litres, de composteurs d'environ 600-700 …

CPV: 39234000 Compost boxes, 39224330 Buckets
Dec. 5, 2024, 11 a.m.
Deadline type:
Submitting a bid
Place of execution:
Fourniture et livraison de composteurs en plastique, en bois et de bio seaux
Awarding body:
Communauté d'Agglomération Gap - Tallard - Durance
Award number:
Nov. 14, 2024, 6:25 a.m.
23600, Statybinės prekės, įrankiai ir kitos veiklos užtikrinimui būtinos prekės

Statybinės prekės, įrankiai ir kitos veiklos užtikrinimui būtinos prekės Statybinės prekės, įrankiai ir kitos veiklos užtikrinimui būtinos prekės

CPV: 44420000 Goods used in construction, 18143000 Protective gear, 24400000 Fertilisers and nitrogen compounds, 24900000 Fine and various chemical products, 24910000 Glues, 31200000 Electricity distribution and control apparatus, 31400000 Accumulators, primary cells and primary batteries, 31500000 Lighting equipment and electric lamps, 31531000 Light bulbs, 34928200 Fences, 34928470 Signage, 39150000 Miscellaneous furniture and equipment, 39224330 Buckets, 42122000 Pumps, 42413100 Built-in jacking systems, 42413200 Hydraulic jacks, 42413300 Pneumatic jacks, 42413400 Mechanical jacks, 42600000 Machine tools, 42662000 Welding equipment, 44110000 Construction materials, 44111000 Building materials, 44510000 Tools, 44523000 Hinges, mountings and fittings, 44618000 Light containers, corks, tops for containers, vats and lids, 44800000 Paints, varnishes and mastics
Place of execution:
23600, Statybinės prekės, įrankiai ir kitos veiklos užtikrinimui būtinos prekės
Awarding body:
AB "Lietuvos geležinkeliai"
Award number:
Nov. 6, 2024, 6:13 a.m.
26240, Veiklos užtikrinimui būtinos prekės

Veiklos užtikrinimui būtinos prekės Veiklos užtikrinimui būtinos prekės

CPV: 44420000 Goods used in construction, 18143000 Protective gear, 24400000 Fertilisers and nitrogen compounds, 24900000 Fine and various chemical products, 24910000 Glues, 31200000 Electricity distribution and control apparatus, 31400000 Accumulators, primary cells and primary batteries, 31500000 Lighting equipment and electric lamps, 31531000 Light bulbs, 34928200 Fences, 34928470 Signage, 39150000 Miscellaneous furniture and equipment, 39224330 Buckets, 42122000 Pumps, 42413100 Built-in jacking systems, 42413200 Hydraulic jacks, 42413300 Pneumatic jacks, 42413400 Mechanical jacks, 42600000 Machine tools, 42662000 Welding equipment, 44110000 Construction materials, 44111000 Building materials, 44510000 Tools, 44523000 Hinges, mountings and fittings, 44618000 Light containers, corks, tops for containers, vats and lids, 44800000 Paints, varnishes and mastics
Place of execution:
26240, Veiklos užtikrinimui būtinos prekės
Awarding body:
AB "Lietuvos geležinkeliai"
Award number:
Nov. 4, 2024, 12:41 p.m.
Fourniture et livraison de composteurs en plastique, en bois et de bio seaux

La présente consultation concerne l'acquisition des équipements dédiés à la pratique du compostage individuel et collectif pour les ménages et les professionnels sur l'ensemble du territoire de la Communauté d'Agglomération Gap Tallard Durance. Le marché comprend la fourniture et la livraison de composteurs d'environ 300-400 litres, de composteurs d'environ 600-700 …

CPV: 39234000 Compost boxes, 39224330 Buckets
Nov. 25, 2024, 11 a.m.
Deadline type:
Submitting a bid
Place of execution:
Fourniture et livraison de composteurs en plastique, en bois et de bio seaux
Awarding body:
Communauté d'Agglomération Gap - Tallard - Durance
Award number:
Oct. 30, 2024, 3:50 a.m.
24M0309AOO- SB-IL-ES- Fourniture de bioseaux, sensibilisation au tri des habitants sur le territoire de Toulouse Métropole, et collecte des déchets alimentaires en apport volontaire (abris-bacs)

La présente consultation concerne : Fourniture de bioseaux, sensibilisation au tri des habitants sur le territoire de Toulouse Métropole,et collecte des déchets alimentaires en apport volontaire (abris-bacs). La procédure de passation utilisée est : l'appel d'offres ouvert. Elle est soumise aux dispositions des articles L. 2124-2, R. 2124-2 1° et …

CPV: 90511000 Refuse collection services, 39224330 Buckets, 71800000 Consulting services for water-supply and waste consultancy, 90511200 Household-refuse collection services
Nov. 27, 2024, noon
Deadline type:
Submitting a bid
Place of execution:
24M0309AOO- SB-IL-ES- Fourniture de bioseaux, sensibilisation au tri des habitants sur le territoire de Toulouse Métropole, et collecte des déchets alimentaires en apport volontaire (abris-bacs)
Awarding body:
Toulouse Métropole
Award number:
Oct. 18, 2024, 7:47 a.m.
Przetarg nieograniczony na dostawę środków czystości, artykułów gospodarczych oraz higienicznych dla potrzeb WCSKJ

Przetarg nieograniczony na dostawę środków czystości, artykułów gospodarczych oraz higienicznych dla potrzeb WCSKJ z podziałem na 31 pakietów 14 pozycji asortymentowych 2 pozycje asortymentowe 2 pozycje asortymentowe 2 pozycje asortymentowe 2 pozycje asortymentowe 2 pozycje asortymentowe 4 pozycje asortymentowe 15 pozycji asortymentowych 3 pozycje asortymentowe 1 pozycja asortymentowa 1 pozycja …

CPV: 39830000 Cleaning products, 39832000 Dishwashing products, 33711900 Soap, 33763000 Paper hand towels, 33761000 Toilet paper, 39224330 Buckets, 18930000 Sacks and bags, 39224000 Brooms and brushes and other articles of various types, 39831300 Floor cleaners, 14430000 Evaporated salt and pure sodium chloride, 39514300 Roller towels, 33700000 Personal care products, 33741100 Hand cleaner, 31411000 Alkaline batteries, 39831000 Washing preparations, 33631600 Antiseptics and disinfectants, 31400000 Accumulators, primary cells and primary batteries, 33922000 Cadaver transport bags, 39831220 Degreasing agents, 39222110 Disposable cutlery and plates
Place of execution:
Przetarg nieograniczony na dostawę środków czystości, artykułów gospodarczych oraz higienicznych dla potrzeb WCSKJ
Awarding body:
Wojewódzkie Centrum Szpitalne Kotliny Jeleniogórskiej
Award number:
Oct. 12, 2024, 4:14 a.m.
Dynamický nákupní systém na dodávky drogistického zboží 2024-2031

Předmětem plnění veřejných zakázek zadávaných v rámci obou kategorií DNS (viz níže) jsou dodávky čistících a dezinfekčních přípravků, úklidových prostředků a hygienického papírového zboží. Předmět, technické podmínky, hodnotící kritéria, požadavky na ekologicky šetrná řešení z hlediska použitých materiálů či složek přípravků, termín, místo plnění, obchodní a platební podmínky konkrétních veřejných …

CPV: 24311500 Hydroxides as basic inorganic chemicals, 24452000 Insecticides, 24455000 Disinfectants, 30237250 Computer cleaning accessories, 33770000 Paper sanitary, 33711900 Soap, 33741100 Hand cleaner, 33760000 Toilet paper, handkerchiefs, hand towels and serviettes, 33761000 Toilet paper, 33763000 Paper hand towels, 33764000 Paper serviettes, 33771000 Sanitary paper products, 39137000 Water softeners, 39224000 Brooms and brushes and other articles of various types, 39224100 Brooms, 39224200 Brushes, 39224210 Painters' brushes, 39224300 Brooms and brushes and other articles for household cleaning, 39224310 Toilet brushes, 39224320 Sponges, 39224330 Buckets, 39224340 Bins, 39224350 Dustpans, 39514200 Tea towels, 39525600 Dishcloths, 39525100 Dusters, 39525800 Cleaning cloths, 39525810 Polishing cloths, 39810000 Odoriferous preparations and waxes, 39811100 Air freshener, 39812000 Polishes and creams, 39812100 Floor polishes, 39812300 Polishing waxes, 39812400 Sweeping compounds, 39813000 Scouring pastes and powders, 39831400 Screen cleaners, 39830000 Cleaning products, 39831000 Washing preparations, 39831210 Dishwasher detergents, 39831300 Floor cleaners, 39831600 Toilet cleaners, 39832000 Dishwashing products, 39832100 Dishwashing powder, 39833000 Anti-dust products
Place of execution:
Dynamický nákupní systém na dodávky drogistického zboží 2024-2031
Awarding body:
CEJIZA, s.r.o.
Award number:
May 22, 2024, 6:52 p.m.
Dynamický nákupní systém na dodávky drogistického zboží pro potřeby Národního divadla 2019 - 2023

Cílem tohoto zadávacího řízení je zavedení DNS na dobu 48 měsíců. Zadavatel předpokládá zadávání veřejných zakázek v DNS v předem neurčených nepravidelných intervalech odvislých zejména od provozních potřeb zadavatele. Rovněž objemy jednotlivých veřejných zakázek zadávaných v DNS zadavatel předpokládá od jednotek až po desítky jednotek v konkrétní veřejné zakázce. Podrobně …

CPV: 15911100 Spirits, 16160000 Miscellaneous gardening equipment, 18141000 Work gloves, 18443340 Caps, 18937100 Goods-packing bags, 19640000 Polythene waste and refuse sacks and bags, 24311470 Hydrogen chloride, 24311500 Hydroxides as basic inorganic chemicals, 24452000 Insecticides, 24455000 Disinfectants, 30237250 Computer cleaning accessories, 33700000 Personal care products, 33710000 Perfumes, toiletries and condoms, 33711900 Soap, 33741300 Hand sanitizer, 33760000 Toilet paper, handkerchiefs, hand towels and serviettes, 39137000 Water softeners, 39221260 Mess tins, 39222100 Disposable catering supplies, 39224000 Brooms and brushes and other articles of various types, 39224100 Brooms, 39224310 Toilet brushes, 39224320 Sponges, 39224330 Buckets, 39224340 Bins, 39224350 Dustpans, 39514400 Automatic towel dispensers, 39525100 Dusters, 39525800 Cleaning cloths, 39713431 Accessories for vacuum cleaners, 39800000 Cleaning and polishing products, 39810000 Odoriferous preparations and waxes, 39811100 Air freshener, 39812400 Sweeping compounds, 39830000 Cleaning products, 39831300 Floor cleaners, 39831600 Toilet cleaners, 39831700 Automatic soap dispensers, 39833000 Anti-dust products, 42968300 Toilet-roll dispenser system, 44514100 Tool handles
Nov. 15, 2027, 11:55 p.m.
Deadline type:
Submitting a bid
Place of execution:
Dynamický nákupní systém na dodávky drogistického zboží pro potřeby Národního divadla 2019 - 2023
Awarding body:
Národní divadlo
Award number:
Nov. 21, 2023, midnight

Předmětem tohoto dynamického nákupního systému jsou dodávky drogistického zboží, LDPE pytlů a sáčků a klinik boxů

CPV: 39830000 Cleaning products, 33741100 Hand cleaner, 39221140 Water canteens, 24455000 Disinfectants, 39831600 Toilet cleaners, 33771000 Sanitary paper products, 39224320 Sponges, 39221160 Trays, 39224340 Bins, 33711610 Shampoos, 33764000 Paper serviettes, 39541140 Twine, 39221100 Kitchenware, 39812400 Sweeping compounds, 38412000 Thermometers, 33763000 Paper hand towels, 39525810 Polishing cloths, 33761000 Toilet paper, 39514100 Towels, 39224330 Buckets, 33141123 Sharps containers, 39812000 Polishes and creams, 33711710 Toothbrushes, 39221230 Saucers, 15911100 Spirits, 39221150 Vacuum flasks, 39224000 Brooms and brushes and other articles of various types, 39820000 Organic surface-active agents, 39833000 Anti-dust products, 39525100 Dusters, 39831000 Washing preparations, 19640000 Polythene waste and refuse sacks and bags, 39221130 Food containers, 33711900 Soap, 33741200 Hand or body lotions, 39811100 Air freshener, 39514200 Tea towels, 33770000 Paper sanitary, 39525800 Cleaning cloths, 39832000 Dishwashing products
Aug. 3, 2032, 10 a.m.
Deadline type:
Submitting a bid
Place of execution:
Awarding body:
Fakultní nemocnice Bulovka
Award number:
Oct. 23, 2023, midnight