Your search for Architectural and building-surveying services
Number of alerts found: 39

Zajištění technického dozoru stavebníka a koordinátora BOZP

Účelem tohoto zadávacího řízení je uzavření Rámcové dohody (dále jen „Závazný návrh Smlouvy“ nebo „Smlouva“) s jedním dodavatelem na dobu 24 měsíců a to dle § 134 ZZVZ postupem bez obnovení soutěže. Zadavatel bude vyzývat vybraného dodavatele Rámcové dohody na základě Výzev k dílčímu plnění dle svých potřeb. Předmětem plnění …

CPV: 71251000 Architectural and building-surveying services, 71315400 Building-inspection services, 71317200 Health and safety services
Place of execution:
Zajištění technického dozoru stavebníka a koordinátora BOZP
Awarding body:
Technologie hlavního města Prahy, a.s.
Award number:
Jan. 30, 2025, 6:34 a.m.
Stavebný dozor na budúcej stavbe "Modernizácia budovy Krajského súdu v Košiciach"

Stavebný dozor na budúcej stavbe "Modernizácia budovy Krajského súdu v Košiciach - stavebné práce", na zhotoviteľa ktorej bolo vyhlásené verejné obstarávanie - viď Úradný vestník EÚ č. 18/2025, číslo oznámenia 55808-2025 zo dňa 27.01.2025 a Vestník verejného obstarávania č. 19/2025, číslo oznámenia 1831-MSS zo dňa 28.01.2025. Podrobný opis predmetý zákazky …

CPV: 71248000 Supervision of project and documentation, 71251000 Architectural and building-surveying services, 71312000 Structural engineering consultancy services, 71315300 Building surveying services, 71520000 Construction supervision services, 71521000 Construction-site supervision services
March 7, 2025, 10 a.m.
Deadline type:
Submitting a bid
Place of execution:
Stavebný dozor na budúcej stavbe "Modernizácia budovy Krajského súdu v Košiciach"
Awarding body:
Krajský súd v Košiciach
Award number:
Jan. 30, 2025, 4:38 a.m.
Byggledning till Bergholmsbacken - Anbudsinbjudan DIS E2019-04216

Uppdraget avser Byggledning till Bergholmsbacken inom Dynamiskt inköpssystem för byggledningstjänst. Uppdraget avser Byggledning till Bergholmsbacken inom Dynamiskt inköpssystem för byggledningstjänst.

CPV: 71000000 Architectural, construction, engineering and inspection services, 71240000 Architectural, engineering and planning services, 71310000 Consultative engineering and construction services, 71250000 Architectural, engineering and surveying services, 71251000 Architectural and building-surveying services, 71315200 Building consultancy services, 71318000 Advisory and consultative engineering services, 71320000 Engineering design services, 71500000 Construction-related services, 71530000 Construction consultancy services, 71540000 Construction management services
Place of execution:
Byggledning till Bergholmsbacken - Anbudsinbjudan DIS E2019-04216
Awarding body:
Award number:
Jan. 30, 2025, 3:25 a.m.
Objektüberwachungs- und Planungsleistungen Flügel M

Gegenstand der Anfrage ist Durchführung der Objektüberwachungstätigkeiten für die Restleistungen am Gebäude mit Aussenanlagen sowie der gesamten technischen Gebäudeausrüstung, von den Lieferungen und Montagen über die Betreuung der Montage- und Funktionsprüfungen bis zur gesamteinheitlichen Inbetriebnahme, bei oben beschriebenen Großprojekt "Neubau eines Laborflügel M". Hierin ist auch die Mitwirkung bei der …

CPV: 71000000 Architectural, construction, engineering and inspection services, 71240000 Architectural, engineering and planning services, 71251000 Architectural and building-surveying services, 98113100 Nuclear safety services
Place of execution:
Objektüberwachungs- und Planungsleistungen Flügel M
Awarding body:
Europäische Kommission, Gemeinsame Forschungsstelle (JRC)
Award number:
Jan. 28, 2025, 5:23 a.m.
DL e CSE lotto 1 ex scuola XXI Luglio a Sarzana (SP)

Servizio di direzione lavori e di coordinamento della sicurezza in fase esecutiva relativi alla realizzazione del lotto 1 di intervento di rifunzionalizzazione dell’immobile comunale Ex Scuola in viale XXI Luglio a Sarzana Servizio di direzione lavori e di coordinamento della sicurezza in fase esecutiva relativi alla realizzazione del lotto 1 …

CPV: 71251000 Architectural and building-surveying services
Place of execution:
DL e CSE lotto 1 ex scuola XXI Luglio a Sarzana (SP)
Awarding body:
IRE SPA Agenzia Regionale Ligure
Award number:
Jan. 25, 2025, 8:49 a.m.
Bytový dům Liberec - Vrchlického, Na Valech - projektová dokumentace

Předmětem plnění této veřejné zakázky je vypracování projektové dokumentace a výkon inženýrské činnosti dle normových požadavků, požadavků dotčených orgánů a zadavatele (objednatele) v rámci projektu „Bytový dům Liberec - Vrchlického, Na Valech - projektová dokumentace“. Předmětem plnění této veřejné zakázky je vypracování projektové dokumentace a výkon inženýrské činnosti dle normových …

CPV: 71240000 Architectural, engineering and planning services, 71242000 Project and design preparation, estimation of costs, 71246000 Determining and listing of quantities in construction, 71251000 Architectural and building-surveying services, 71300000 Engineering services, 71314200 Energy-management services, 71320000 Engineering design services, 71500000 Construction-related services
Feb. 27, 2025, 10 a.m.
Deadline type:
Submitting a bid
Place of execution:
Bytový dům Liberec - Vrchlického, Na Valech - projektová dokumentace
Awarding body:
Award number:
PR/SR 9/25
Jan. 25, 2025, 7:37 a.m.
Missions de maitrise d'oeuvre complètes dans le cadre de travaux de réhabilitation de deux groupes immobiliers (pavillons) situés à AUBERGENVILLE (78410) et TRIEL-SUR-SEINE (78510)

Missions de maitrise d'oeuvre complètes dans le cadre de travaux de réhabilitation de deux groupes immobiliers : - « AUBERGENVILLE 03 » comprenant 32 pavillons, situé à AUBERGENVILLE (78410) et - « TRIEL Les Chatelaines 05/1 et 05/2 » comprenant 75 pavillons, situés à TRIEL-SUR-SEINE (78510) MAITRISE D'oeUVRE COMPLETE DANS …

CPV: 71241000 Feasibility study, advisory service, analysis, 71242000 Project and design preparation, estimation of costs, 71250000 Architectural, engineering and surveying services, 71251000 Architectural and building-surveying services
Feb. 27, 2025, noon
Deadline type:
Submitting a bid
Place of execution:
Missions de maitrise d'oeuvre complètes dans le cadre de travaux de réhabilitation de deux groupes immobiliers (pavillons) situés à AUBERGENVILLE (78410) et TRIEL-SUR-SEINE (78510)
Awarding body:
Award number:
Jan. 25, 2025, 7:36 a.m.
Architectural Design Team for the Dominican Church New Library Project, Drogheda, Co. Louth.

Technical Services for the conversion of existing Dominican Church to a New Library For Drogheda. Technical Services for the conversion of existing Dominican Church to a New Library For Drogheda.

CPV: 71000000 Architectural, construction, engineering and inspection services, 71200000 Architectural and related services, 71220000 Architectural design services, 71222000 Architectural services for outdoor areas, 71240000 Architectural, engineering and planning services, 71242000 Project and design preparation, estimation of costs, 71310000 Consultative engineering and construction services, 71251000 Architectural and building-surveying services, 71300000 Engineering services, 71311000 Civil engineering consultancy services, 71312000 Structural engineering consultancy services, 71317200 Health and safety services, 71320000 Engineering design services, 71322000 Engineering design services for the construction of civil engineering works, 71322100 Quantity surveying services for civil engineering works, 71323100 Electrical power systems design services, 71324000 Quantity surveying services, 71400000 Urban planning and landscape architectural services, 71410000 Urban planning services, 71420000 Landscape architectural services, 71541000 Construction project management services, 79822500 Graphic design services, 79994000 Contract administration services
Feb. 24, 2025, noon
Deadline type:
Submitting a bid
Place of execution:
Architectural Design Team for the Dominican Church New Library Project, Drogheda, Co. Louth.
Awarding body:
Louth County Council_381
Award number:
Jan. 23, 2025, 11:50 a.m.
Multi-Party Framework for Architect and Engineer Led Integrated Design Teams in 2 Lots (Lots 5 and 6) / Creatlacha Ilpháirtí d’Fhoirne Deartha Comhtháite faoi stiúir Ailtire agus Innealtóra i 2 mhír

Establishment of Multiparty Frameworks for Integrated Design Team (IDT) Services for Údarás na Gaeltachta in the following Lots: - Lot 5: Architect Led IDT for County Donegal - Lot 6: Engineer (Civil and Structural) / Project Manager Led IDT for County Donegal Tender candidates will be required to form a …

CPV: 45212350 Buildings of particular historical or architectural interest, 71000000 Architectural, construction, engineering and inspection services, 71200000 Architectural and related services, 71220000 Architectural design services, 71221000 Architectural services for buildings, 71223000 Architectural services for building extensions, 71240000 Architectural, engineering and planning services, 71242000 Project and design preparation, estimation of costs, 71310000 Consultative engineering and construction services, 71247000 Supervision of building work, 71248000 Supervision of project and documentation, 71250000 Architectural, engineering and surveying services, 71251000 Architectural and building-surveying services, 71300000 Engineering services, 71311000 Civil engineering consultancy services, 71311300 Infrastructure works consultancy services, 71312000 Structural engineering consultancy services, 71313000 Environmental engineering consultancy services, 71313400 Environmental impact assessment for construction, 71313410 Risk or hazard assessment for construction, 71313420 Environmental standards for construction, 71314000 Energy and related services, 71314100 Electrical services, 71314200 Energy-management services, 71314300 Energy-efficiency consultancy services, 71317100 Fire and explosion protection and control consultancy services, 71317200 Health and safety services, 71317210 Health and safety consultancy services, 71321000 Engineering design services for mechanical and electrical installations for buildings, 71322100 Quantity surveying services for civil engineering works, 71324000 Quantity surveying services, 71333000 Mechanical engineering services, 71334000 Mechanical and electrical engineering services, 71351612 Hydrometeorology services, 71356400 Technical planning services, 71400000 Urban planning and landscape architectural services, 71410000 Urban planning services, 71420000 Landscape architectural services, 71530000 Construction consultancy services, 71540000 Construction management services, 71541000 Construction project management services, 72224000 Project management consultancy services, 75251110 Fire-prevention services, 90712000 Environmental planning, 90712100 Urban environmental development planning, 92522000 Preservation services of historical sites and buildings, 92522200 Preservation services of historical buildings
Feb. 19, 2025, noon
Deadline type:
Submitting a bid
Place of execution:
Multi-Party Framework for Architect and Engineer Led Integrated Design Teams in 2 Lots (Lots 5 and 6) / Creatlacha Ilpháirtí d’Fhoirne Deartha Comhtháite faoi stiúir Ailtire agus Innealtóra i 2 mhír
Awarding body:
Údarás Na Gaeltachta_289
Award number:
Jan. 23, 2025, 11:14 a.m.
Rámcová dohoda na výkon stavebního dozoru a koordinátora BOZP pro stavby středního a menšího rozsahu 2021

Na základě rámcové dohody bude zadavatel jejím účastníkům zadávat jednotlivé dílčí zakázky na služby spočívající v provádění stavebního dozoru na stavbách pozemních komunikací včetně výkonu koordinátora BOZP včetně související technické pomoci, a to dle aktuálních potřeb zadavatele. Na základě rámcové dohody bude zadavatel jejím účastníkům zadávat jednotlivé dílčí zakázky na …

CPV: 71251000 Architectural and building-surveying services
Place of execution:
Rámcová dohoda na výkon stavebního dozoru a koordinátora BOZP pro stavby středního a menšího rozsahu 2021
Awarding body:
Ředitelství silnic a dálnic s. p.
Award number:
Jan. 22, 2025, 7:31 a.m.