Your search for Anti-virus software development services
Number of alerts found: 2

Upgrade licencí antivirového řešení

Předmětem veřejné zakázky je upgrade licencí antivirového řešení v kontextu rostoucích bezpečnostních hrozeb v oblasti IT. Upgrade licencí antivirového řešení

CPV: 72212761 Anti-virus software development services, 48761000 Anti-virus software package, 72253200 Systems support services
March 17, 2025, 10 a.m.
Deadline type:
Submitting a bid
Place of execution:
Upgrade licencí antivirového řešení
Awarding body:
Zařízení služeb pro Ministerstvo vnitra
Award number:
March 12, 2025, 3:51 a.m.
PROJ000009941 - ISW026F - Multi Supplier Framework Agreement for the provision of Security Software and Associated Services

The Minister for Public Expenditure, National Development Plan Delivery and Reform (the “Contracting Authority”) is issuing this request for tenders (“RFT”) as a central purchasing body for use by the Framework Clients (defined in Section 1.4 below). The Office of Government Procurement (the “OGP”) is an office within the Department …

CPV: 72212731 File security software development services, 72267000 Software maintenance and repair services, 72268000 Software supply services, 72212732 Data security software development services, 72212760 Virus protection software development services, 72212761 Anti-virus software development services, 72212730 Security software development services, 72260000 Software-related services, 72261000 Software support services, 72262000 Software development services, 72263000 Software implementation services, 72265000 Software configuration services
April 11, 2025, noon
Deadline type:
Submitting a bid
Place of execution:
PROJ000009941 - ISW026F - Multi Supplier Framework Agreement for the provision of Security Software and Associated Services
Awarding body:
The Office of Government Procurement
Award number:
March 4, 2025, 2:12 a.m.