Your search for Airborne particle monitoring
Number of alerts found: 4

AG2549F ALAB RFT Multi Supplier Framework Agreement for the Provision of Technical Expertise to Evaluate the Ecological, Environmental and Technical Impact of Aquaculture Projects

The Aquaculture Licences Appeals Board (ALAB) wishes to procure services for the Provision of Technical Expertise to Evaluate the Ecological, Environmental and Technical Impact of Aquaculture Projects. Suppliers can tender for any one lot, or any combination of lots or all lots. Lots 1 and 2, Marine Ecology and Environment …

CPV: 90700000 Environmental services, 90711000 Environmental impact assessment other than for construction, 90712300 Marine conservation strategy planning, 90713000 Environmental issues consultancy services, 90732400 Soil pollution advisory services, 90732600 Soil pollution measurement or monitoring, 90732700 Organic fertilizer pollution assessment, 90732800 Pesticides pollution assessment, 90732900 Nitrates and phosphates pollution assessment, 90733000 Services related to water pollution, 90711300 Environmental indicators analysis other than for construction, 90711500 Environmental monitoring other than for construction, 90714000 Environmental auditing, 90714100 Environmental information systems, 90714500 Environmental quality control services, 90720000 Environmental protection, 90730000 Pollution tracking and monitoring and rehabilitation, 90731800 Airborne particle monitoring, 90740000 Pollutants tracking and monitoring and rehabilitation services
Place of execution:
AG2549F ALAB RFT Multi Supplier Framework Agreement for the Provision of Technical Expertise to Evaluate the Ecological, Environmental and Technical Impact of Aquaculture Projects
Awarding body:
Education Procurement Service (EPS)
Award number:
Nov. 1, 2024, 1:44 a.m.
Supply and maintenance of stack monitoring systems for the detection of airborne radioactive particulates and activated air

JRC-Geel operates two stack monitoring systems for the detection of airborne radioactive particulates and activated air in its GELINA installation (linear accelerator). This procurement involves the replacement of the two old systems by new systems, including a guarantee, training and long term maintenance. JRC-Geel operates two stack monitoring systems for …

CPV: 38341000 Apparatus for measuring radiation, 90731800 Airborne particle monitoring, 50000000 Repair and maintenance services, 50400000 Repair and maintenance services of medical and precision equipment, 50410000 Repair and maintenance services of measuring, testing and checking apparatus, 50413000 Repair and maintenance services of checking apparatus, 50430000 Repair and maintenance services of precision equipment
Place of execution:
Supply and maintenance of stack monitoring systems for the detection of airborne radioactive particulates and activated air
Awarding body:
European Commission, DG JRC - Joint Research Centre
Award number:
Oct. 19, 2024, 5:45 a.m.
Met Eireann invites tenders for the monitoring of the Green House Gas-Nitrous Oxide, at its environmental monitoring site at Bray Head Valentia for a Proof Of Concept phase.

Met Eireann is invites tenders for supporting the monitoring of the Green House Gas-Nitrous Oxide, at its environmental monitoring site at Bray Head Valentia Island for a Proof Of Concept phase. The tenderer must be able to deploy Instrumentation in an ICOS (Integrated Carbon Observing System) compliant fashion with respect …

CPV: 90710000 Environmental management, 90732910 Nitrates pollution assessment, 90711300 Environmental indicators analysis other than for construction, 90711500 Environmental monitoring other than for construction, 90730000 Pollution tracking and monitoring and rehabilitation, 90731000 Services related to air pollution, 90731100 Air quality management, 90731200 Transboundary air pollution management or control services, 90731400 Air pollution monitoring or measurement services, 90731800 Airborne particle monitoring, 90731900 Ozone depletion monitoring services
Place of execution:
Met Eireann invites tenders for the monitoring of the Green House Gas-Nitrous Oxide, at its environmental monitoring site at Bray Head Valentia for a Proof Of Concept phase.
Awarding body:
Met Eireann
Award number:
Oct. 16, 2024, 6:10 a.m.
Contrato para la vigilancia de la composión del polen y la variación de los periodos de polinización en relación con el cambio climatico durante 2025

El presente procedimiento tiene por objeto la regulación de las condiciones para la contratación del servicio para la vigilancia de la composición del polen y la variación de los periodos de polinización en relación con el cambio climático, durante el año 2025 El presente procedimiento tiene por objeto la regulación …

CPV: 90731800 Airborne particle monitoring
Place of execution:
Contrato para la vigilancia de la composión del polen y la variación de los periodos de polinización en relación con el cambio climatico durante 2025
Awarding body:
Instituto de Salud Pública y Laboral de Navarra
Award number:
Jan. 19, 2024, midnight