Your search for Air-sea rescue services
Number of alerts found: 2

Διακήρυξη υπ' αρ.πρωτ.4117/6-3-2025

Διακήρυξη για τη Ναυαγοσωστική κάλυψη παραλιών Δήμου Άργους – Μυκηνών έτους 2025 και 2026 για την θερινή περίοδο από 1-6-2025 έως και 30-9-2025 και από 1-6-2026 έως και 30-9-2026, σύμφωνα με το Π.Δ. 71/2020 και τα όσα ειδικά ορίζονται στη σχετική μελέτη Ναυαγοσωστική κάλυψη παραλιών Δήμου Άργους – Μυκηνών έτους …

CPV: 60443100 Air-sea rescue services
April 8, 2025, 3 p.m.
Deadline type:
Submitting a bid
Place of execution:
Διακήρυξη υπ' αρ.πρωτ.4117/6-3-2025
Awarding body:
Δήμος Άργους-Μυκηνών
Award number:
Ναυαγοσωστική κάλυψη παραλιών Δήμου Άργους – Μυκηνών έτους 2025 και 2026
March 8, 2025, 3:56 a.m.
Supplementary notice to notice 2022/S 006-012916 (Services)

This notice supplements previously published notice from Ørsted Wind Power A/S 2022/S 006-012916 (Services). This notice supplements previously published notices from Achilles Information AS regarding Ørsted Wind Power A/S’ use of the Achilles Utilities NCE qualification system that Achilles administer. This notice is published on a voluntary basis in order …

CPV: 60424120 Hire of helicopters with crew, 34711000 Helicopters and aeroplanes, 34711500 Helicopters, 50200000 Repair, maintenance and associated services related to aircraft, railways, roads and marine equipment, 50210000 Repair, maintenance and associated services related to aircraft and other equipment, 50211000 Repair and maintenance services of aircraft, 50211100 Aircraft maintenance services, 50211200 Aircraft repair services, 50211210 Repair and maintenance services of aircraft engines, 50211211 Aircraft-engine maintenance services, 50211212 Aircraft-engine repair services, 50211300 Reconditioning services of aircraft, 50211310 Reconditioning services of aircraft engines, 50212000 Repair and maintenance services of helicopters, 51146000 Installation services of aircraft engines, 60100000 Road transport services, 60400000 Air transport services, 60410000 Scheduled air transport services, 60411000 Scheduled airmail transport services, 60420000 Non-scheduled air transport services, 60421000 Non-scheduled airmail transport services, 60423000 Air-charter services, 60424100 Hire of aircraft with crew, 60440000 Aerial and related services, 60443100 Air-sea rescue services, 70340000 Time-sharing services, 80420000 E-learning services, 85120000 Medical practice and related services, 85121000 Medical practice services, 85121200 Medical specialist services, 85141000 Services provided by medical personnel, 85141210 Home medical treatment services, 85141211 Dialysis home medical treatment services, 85142000 Paramedical services, 85145000 Services provided by medical laboratories, 85148000 Medical analysis services, 85150000 Medical imaging services, 90520000 Radioactive-, toxic-, medical- and hazardous waste services, 90524000 Medical waste services, 80412000 Flying-school services
Place of execution:
Supplementary notice to notice 2022/S 006-012916 (Services)
Awarding body:
Ørsted Wind Power A/S
Award number:
2022/S 006-012916
Feb. 21, 2023, midnight