Die Auftraggeberin beabsichtigt den Abschluss einer Rahmenvereinbarung für den Transport und die Verpackung von Kunstgegenständen jeder Art von und zu der Schirn Kunsthalle Frankfurt von und zu verschiedenen Leihgebern innerhalb von Deutschland, Europa und anderen Kontinenten. Die Rahmenvereinbarung soll eine Laufzeit von 4 Jahren haben. Die Auftraggeberin beabsichtigt den Abschluss …
Provision of Aerial Photography and LiDAR Survey Spring 2025 Provision of Aerial Photography and LiDAR Survey Spring 2025
The objective of the present call for tenders is the provision of in-theatre aeromedical evacuation services (fixed and/or rotary wing) in the frame of national and/or international defence and/or security operations. This open procedure is divided in three (3) Lots: - Lot 2: Rotary wing (RW) (Helicopters) - Zone 2 …
Provision of travel risk management, security, medical assistance, 24/7 emergency support, and crisis management to ensure the safety and well-being of ICMPD personnel and operations. Provision of travel risk management, security, medical assistance, 24/7 emergency support, and crisis management to ensure the safety and well-being of ICMPD personnel and operations.
Lightweight RPAS services supporting pollution response and multipurpose maritime surveillance Lightweight RPAS services supporting pollution response and multipurpose maritime surveillance
Lightweight RPAS for Emissions Monitoring Lightweight RPAS for Emissions Monitoring
RPAS Services for Multipurpose Maritime Surveillance RPAS for maritime surveillance in open sea areas with long endurance RPAS for maritime surveillance with extended coastal range and long endurance Vertical Take-off and Landing RPAS for ship-based operations
1. Przedmiotem zamówienia jest usługa zrzutu szczepionki doustnej przeciwko wściekliźnie dla lisów wolno żyjących w 2025 roku, w podziale na 9 części. 2. Szczegółowy opis i wymagania dotyczące przedmiotu zamówienia dla każdej części oraz sposób realizacji zamówienia zostały określone w SWZ oraz w załączniku nr 1 do SWZ stanowiącym Projektowane …
Contratación De Un Servicio Integral De Helicóptero Para El Servicio De Prevención De Incendios Forestales Contratación De Un Servicio Integral De Helicóptero Para El Servicio De Prevención De Incendios Forestales
The objective of the procurement is to enter into a service contract for helicopter services for transporting personnel and equipment for set up and maintenance of grinding installations around existing salt places, as well as inspections of new salt places and grind installations. It may be necessary to redevelop salt …