Your search for Adhesive tape
Number of alerts found: 8

Dostawa materiałów branży budowlanej, elektrycznej, sanitarnej, wykładzin, paneli i listew, narzędzi oraz klimatyzatorów -sprawa 3/2025

Przedmiotem zamówienia jest dostawa materiałów branży budowlanej, elektrycznej, sanitarnej, wykładzin, paneli i listew, narzędzi oraz klimatyzatorów zgodnie z wymaganiami określonymi w dokumentacji postępowania. Dostawa materiałów branży budowlanej: 152 pozycji asortymentowych składających się na Akrylową masę uszczelniającą, Asfalt drogowy do napraw cząstkowych, Blachę stalową Cement, Farby chlorokauczukowe (..). Dostawa materiałów …

CPV: 44111000 Building materials, 44411000 Sanitary ware, 31680000 Electrical supplies and accessories, 44510000 Tools, 44112200 Floor coverings, 39717200 Air-conditioning appliances, 44831000 Mastics, fillers, putty, 44333000 Wire, 03419000 Timber, 14820000 Glass, 39224210 Painters' brushes, 42676000 Parts of hand tools, 44111800 Mortar (construction), 44174000 Foil, 44192000 Other miscellaneous construction materials, 44212510 Angles, 44521110 Door locks, 44531100 Wood screws, 44810000 Paints, 44832000 Solvents, 44921200 Lime, 44221000 Windows, doors and related items, 39714100 Ventilators, 14211000 Sand, 24910000 Glues, 39531400 Carpeting, 44160000 Pipeline, piping, pipes, casing, tubing and related items, 44190000 Miscellaneous construction materials, 44212500 Angles and sections, 44500000 Tools, locks, keys, hinges, fasteners, chain and springs, 44522400 Parts of locks, 44531400 Bolts, 44921100 Gypsum, 44315200 Welding materials, 44830000 Mastics, fillers, putty and solvents, 44111200 Cement, 44171000 Plates (construction), 44523300 Fittings, 44812210 Oil paints, 09220000 Petroleum jelly, waxes and special spirits, 14810000 Abrasive products, 44191300 Particle board, 44424200 Adhesive tape, 44111540 Insulating glass, 31681400 Electrical components, 31224100 Plugs and sockets, 31411000 Alkaline batteries, 31524000 Ceiling or wall light fittings, 31651000 Electrical tape, 44167000 Various pipe fittings, 31211300 Fuses, 31300000 Insulated wire and cable, 31510000 Electric filament lamps, 31532110 Fluorescent tube lamps, 44212221 Pylons, 31681000 Electrical accessories, 39714110 Extraction ventilators, 31150000 Ballasts for discharge lamps or tubes, 31211310 Cut-outs, 31521000 Lamps, 42141800 Universal joints, 44163000 Pipes and fittings, 42131400 Sanitary taps, cocks, 42131260 Ball valves, 42132000 Parts of taps and valves, 44411710 Lavatory seats, 44163210 Pipe clamps, 44621110 Central-heating radiators, 39715100 Electric instantaneous or storage water heaters and immersion heaters, 44163240 Pipe joints, 44411300 Washbasins, 44411740 Lavatory bowls, 44621112 Parts of central-heating radiators, 44163230 Pipe connectors, 37442800 Resistance bands and tubes, 44175000 Panels, 44192100 PVC foam, 31000000 Electrical machinery, apparatus, equipment and consumables; lighting, 44423200 Ladders, 44511000 Hand tools, 44512000 Miscellaneous hand tools, 42123400 Air compressors, 44511100 Spades and shovels, 31642100 Detection apparatus for metal pipes, 38330000 Hand-held instruments for measuring length, 39241000 Knives and scissors, 33735100 Protective goggles, 42662000 Welding equipment
March 17, 2025, 7:30 a.m.
Deadline type:
Submitting a bid
Place of execution:
Dostawa materiałów branży budowlanej, elektrycznej, sanitarnej, wykładzin, paneli i listew, narzędzi oraz klimatyzatorów -sprawa 3/2025
Awarding body:
Skarb Państwa - 13 Wojskowy Oddział Gospodarczy (13 WOG)
Award number:
Feb. 19, 2025, 6:13 a.m.
Prestations de déménagement et d'enlèvement du mobilier pour les services du Département du Var et l'acquisition de fournitures associées. (2 lots)

Les prestations dans le cadre de ces marchés sont destinées : Lot n°1 : Prestation de déménagement, d'enlèvement du mobilier et services complémentaires pour les services du Département du Var. Lot n°2 : Acquisition de fournitures pour les besoins de déménagement. Chaque marché est passé pour une durée d'un an …

CPV: 75200000 Provision of services to the community, 44424200 Adhesive tape, 44617100 Cartons
March 17, 2025, noon
Deadline type:
Submitting a bid
Place of execution:
Prestations de déménagement et d'enlèvement du mobilier pour les services du Département du Var et l'acquisition de fournitures associées. (2 lots)
Awarding body:
Award number:
Feb. 14, 2025, 12:57 a.m.
Muovipussit sekä teipit, tarrat ja muut oheistarvikkeet

Hankinnan tavoitteena on hankkia Leijona Cateringin kumppaneiksi ammattitaitoisia toimittajia muovipusseille sekä teipeille, tarroille ja muille oheistarvikkeille. Hankintayksikkö pyytää tarjousta seuraavista kahdesta (2) osa-alueesta: A) Muovipussit B) Teipit, tarrat ja muut oheistarvikkeet Hankintayksikkö valitsee tarjousten perusteella jokaiselle osa-alueelle yhden palveluntuottajan, jonka kanssa tehdään hankintasopimus eli yhteensä tehdään kaksi eri hankintasopimusta. Jokaiselle …

CPV: 44000000 Construction structures and materials; auxiliary products to construction (except electric apparatus), 19520000 Plastic products, 44424200 Adhesive tape, 30199400 Gummed or adhesive paper
Place of execution:
Muovipussit sekä teipit, tarrat ja muut oheistarvikkeet
Awarding body:
Leijona Catering Oy
Award number:
Feb. 13, 2025, 5:45 a.m.
Varaston pakkausmateriaalit

Hankinnan kohteena ovat Tuomi Logistiikan varaston käyttöön tulevat pakkausmateriaalit, kuten aaltopahvilaatikot, postituslaatikot ja -kotelot, kartonkikuoret sekä muut lähetyksissä tarvittavat materiaalit, kuten kiristekalvot, pakkausteipit ja lähetystaskut. Hankinnan kohde on kuvattu tarkemmin jäljempänä tarjouspyyntöasiakirjoissa. Varsinainen sopimuskausi on 12 kuukautta, jonka jälkeen sopimusta voidaan tilaajan päätöksellä jatkaa toistaiseksi voimassa olevalla optiokaudella. Sopimuskauden arvioitu …

CPV: 44617100 Cartons, 18933000 Mail or parcel bags, 44424200 Adhesive tape
Place of execution:
Varaston pakkausmateriaalit
Awarding body:
Tuomi Logistiikka Oy
Award number:
Feb. 12, 2025, 12:42 a.m.

Veikkaus Oy pyysi tarjouksia avoimen menettelyn kautta pakkausmateriaaleista Hankintayksikön käyttöön. Hankinnan kohde oli kuvattu tarkemmin tarjouspyynnössä ja sen liitteissä, varsinkin liitteessä 1 Hankinnan kohteen kuvaus. Hankinnan ennakoitu arvo on 318 725 euroa (alv 0%). Hankinta ei sisällä määräostovelvoitetta ja yksinoikeutta palvelun tuottamiseen Veikkaus Oy:lle. Hankintayksikkö haki kilpailutuksen kautta yhtä (1) …

CPV: 18930000 Sacks and bags, 30199230 Envelopes, 44424200 Adhesive tape, 44617100 Cartons
Place of execution:
Awarding body:
Veikkaus Oy
Award number:
Feb. 4, 2025, 2:08 a.m.
UK 1.LF - Dynamický nákupní systém na dodávky spotřebního laboratorního materiálu

Konkrétním předmětem plnění veřejných zakázek zadávaných v zavedeném DNS budou dodávky laboratorního materiálu a vybavení a s tím související plnění do výzkumných laboratoří, a to např. dodávky: sterilních serologických pipet, pasteurových pipet, a různých pipetovacích špiček apod., vyšetřovacích latexových rukavic, nitrilových rukavic, rukavic cryo, chemicky odolných rukavic apod., různých druhů …

CPV: 15994200 Filter paper, 19520000 Plastic products, 24500000 Plastics in primary forms, 30192125 Markers, 30194900 Work surface protection covers, 30199760 Labels, 33131172 Dental tweezers, 33140000 Medical consumables, 33141117 Cotton wool, 33141310 Syringes, 33141320 Medical needles, 33141411 Scalpels and blades, 33141420 Surgical gloves, 33192500 Test tubes, 33735100 Protective goggles, 33764000 Paper serviettes, 33772000 Disposable paper products, 33790000 Laboratory, hygienic or pharmaceutical glassware, 34928480 Waste and rubbish containers and bins, 35113400 Protective and safety clothing, 38412000 Thermometers, 38437110 Pipette tips, 38437120 Pipette stands, 38436160 Test tube stand for shakers, 38437100 Pipettes, 39221140 Water canteens, 39221170 Drying racks, 39223100 Spoons, 39241200 Scissors, 39254000 Horology, 42671100 Laboratory tool carriers, 42671110 Test tube racks for baths, 44424200 Adhesive tape, 44511320 Picks, 44618350 Plastic caps
Place of execution:
UK 1.LF - Dynamický nákupní systém na dodávky spotřebního laboratorního materiálu
Awarding body:
Univerzita Karlova, 1. lékařská fakulta
Award number:
Jan. 30, 2025, 3:14 a.m.
DPS for Supply of Materials for the Conservation Archiving Transport and Storage of Museum Collections 2024 - 2031

The Contracting Authority is setting up a panel or DPS of suppliers to supply materials needs for the conservation, archiving, transport and storage of museum collections. The Contracting Authority do not expect any one supplier to be able to provide the full range of materials needed for this, and hope …

CPV: 19730000 Artificial fibres, 30192800 Self-adhesive labels, 44619000 Other containers, 44613600 Wheeled containers, 24910000 Glues, 38653100 Flashlights, 43132300 Drills, 44423200 Ladders, 44832000 Solvents, 39132500 Office trolleys, 42113172 Blades, 19732000 Polypropylene, 44423220 Folding steps, 39713431 Accessories for vacuum cleaners, 42660000 Soldering, brazing and welding tools, surface tempering and hot-spraying machines and equipment, 18424300 Disposable gloves, 19640000 Polythene waste and refuse sacks and bags, 30199500 Box files, letter trays, storage boxes and similar articles, 18830000 Protective footwear, 18143000 Protective gear, 33735100 Protective goggles, 39561120 Textile tape, 44424200 Adhesive tape, 30199000 Paper stationery and other items
Nov. 17, 2031, noon
Deadline type:
Submitting a bid
Place of execution:
DPS for Supply of Materials for the Conservation Archiving Transport and Storage of Museum Collections 2024 - 2031
Awarding body:
National Museum of Ireland
Award number:
Oct. 25, 2024, 4:10 a.m.
Nákup elektromateriálu

Předmětem veřejné zakázky je zavedení dynamického nákupního systému (DNS) na dodávky elektromateriálu. DNS je rozdělen do kategorií A až H. Předmětem veřejných zakázek zadávaných v jednotlivých kategoriích DNS jsou dodávky výrobků pod CPV kódy uvedenými v jednotlivých kategoriích DNS nebo pod CPV kódy, které jsou těmto CPV kódům podřízeny. Zavedení …

CPV: 31330000 Coaxial cable, 31000000 Electrical machinery, apparatus, equipment and consumables; lighting, 31210000 Electrical apparatus for switching or protecting electrical circuits, 31211200 Fuse boxes, 31211300 Fuses, 31211310 Cut-outs, 31211340 Fuse clips, 31214000 Switchgear, 31214100 Switches, 31214500 Electric switchboards, 31220000 Electrical circuit components, 31223000 Lamp-holders, 31224100 Plugs and sockets, 31224200 Coaxial connectors, 31300000 Insulated wire and cable, 31340000 Insulated cable accessories, 31343000 Insulated cable joints, 31430000 Electric accumulators, 31431000 Lead-acid accumulators, 31440000 Batteries, 31514000 Discharge lamps, 31527000 Spotlights, 31527200 Exterior lights, 31530000 Parts of lamps and lighting equipment, 31532110 Fluorescent tube lamps, 31532600 Lamp reactors, 31532920 Bulbs and fluorescent lamps, 31711150 Electrical capacitors, 38554000 Electricity meters, 44115210 Plumbing materials, 44192000 Other miscellaneous construction materials, 44212225 Poles, 44212250 Masts, 44300000 Cable, wire and related products, 44322000 Cable accessories, 44330000 Bars, rods, wire and profiles used in construction, 44331000 Bars, 44333000 Wire, 44424200 Adhesive tape
Place of execution:
Nákup elektromateriálu
Awarding body:
Technické služby Zlín, s.r.o.
Award number:
May 15, 2024, 1:49 a.m.