Sykehusbygg Health Trust invites tenderers to a market dialogue ahead of the planned procurement of a new accounting and payroll system/service. A joint dialogue meeting will be held physically in Trondheim, with possibilities for participation via teams. See the attached documentation for details. Enrolments are to be registered via the …
The Department of Defence invites tenders for the provision of multiple ICT Roles to work on the Department’s current and future infrastructure and technologies. The Services comprise: a suitable service provider that will provide the Department of Defence with the appropriate resources who have the necessary experience/competencies/skillsets to work on …
The Department of Defence invites tenders for the provision of multiple ICT Roles to work on the Department’s current and future infrastructure and technologies. The Services comprise: a suitable service provider that will provide the Department of Defence with the appropriate resources who have the necessary experience/competencies/skillsets to work on …
The Department of Defence invites tenders for the provision of multiple ICT Roles to work on the Department’s current and future infrastructure and technologies. The Services comprise: a suitable service provider that will provide the Department of Defence with the appropriate resources who have the necessary experience/competencies/skillsets to work on …
Gegenstand der Vergabe ist die Bereitstellung und der mindestens 4-jährige Betrieb einer Software zur Abbildung der Nebenbuchhaltung, die in ein in Teilen vom AG individuell entwickeltes Vertriebssystem („HGS NextGen“) integriert werden soll. Gegenstand der Vergabe ist die Bereitstellung und der mindestens 4-jährige Betrieb einer Software zur Abbildung der Nebenbuchhaltung, die …
Syftet med denna RFI/marknadsundersökning är att samla information om tillgängliga planerings- och uppföljningssystem på marknaden med on prem lösning samt erhålla en uppskattad kostnadsbild. Det är Sjöfartsverkets förhoppning att utifrån denna information kunna göra ett så bra underlag som möjligt inför en eventuell upphandling av en ny on prem lösning. …
The competition is for the procurement of a new ENTERPRISE resource planning system for Steinkjer, Levanger, Inderøy, Verdal and Snåsa municipalities, but an option for Namsos, Overhalla, Flatanger and Høylandet municipalities. The municipalities wish to procure a general, future orientated and innovative ERP system. The objective of the procurement of …
The current ISY ProActive system has been decided to be discontinued and there is, therefore, a need to implement one or several procurements to cover the needs ISY ProActive solves. The project is currently a co-operation between the Agency for Water and Sewerage Services (VAV), the Fire and Rescue Agency …
Innalndet fylkeskommune invites tenderers to participate in our market dialogue for the procurement of an ERP system. See the attached documents for further information on registering and implementing the market dialogue. Innlandet County intends to procure a new Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP) system to streamline and improve its administrative processes. …
Met deze aanbesteding wordt beoogd een systeem aan te schaffen waarmee de processen voor Financiële Planning & Analyse ondersteund kunnen worden. Met deze aanbesteding wordt beoogd een systeem aan te schaffen waarmee de processen voor Financiële Planning & Analyse ondersteund kunnen worden.