The provision of Printed Matter to include Design, Storage and Delivery Services (where required) where the estimated value of each contract to be awarded at mini-competition stage is greater than €25,000 (ex VAT) in value. The types of Printed Matter can include, but not limited to, Digital Printing, Large format …
Irish Translation and Localisation services and Translation software providers regarding the provision of translation services, and proofing from English to Irish primarily- and potentially from Irish to English. The main subject areas for translation services (but not limited to) will cover the following Uisce Éireann areas. • Legal and Annual …
This is a call to competition by IE on behalf of CIE Holding Company is seeking expressions of interest from suitably qualified applicants to participate in the pre-qualification process to establish a Qualification System for the provision of strategic support in relation to the sustainability reporting obligations and various initiatives …
The Office of Government Procurement is establishing a Dynamic Purchasing System for the provision of Creative Campaign Services to Public Sector Bodies. These Services include: a) Strategic, evidence-based, creative concepts and recommendations to support client campaign objectives; b) Planning and management of integrated campaigns to ensure consistent and quality messaging …
The Dept of Transport Support Office (DoTSO) was setup in 2017 to assist the Dept of Transport Regional and Local Roads Division on technical matters relating to Local Authority roads under the auspice of Kildare County Council. DoTSO has a requirement to establish a panel of independent industry experts and …
In summary, the Services shall comprise: a) Management of the media strategy and planning activities of DPS Clients, b) Purchase of media space and time on behalf of DPS Clients, and c) Associated activities as described in Appendix 1 of the attached RFATP document. The Dynamic Purchasing System (DPS) is …
The vision of this service is to effectively and consistently have the capability to unify the cyber incident response across multiple HSE organisational constructs. This allows HSE to have defined centralised management and accountability for handling cyber incidents within the HSE. Expected benefits include but not limited to; • Improved …
In summary, the Services shall comprise of: The DPS will be divided into five (5) Categories (each a “Category”) as described below. Category 1 – Procurement Consultancy Services for Public Procurement Tendering Support and General Public Procurement Information and Best Practice. Category 2 – Procurement Consultancy Services for Public Procurement …
Iarnród Éireann (IÉ) is seeking expressions of interest from suitably qualified companies to participate in the Pre-Qualification process to establish a Qualification System for Multi-disciplinary Consultancy Services for-Buildings Structures. This qualification system is to facilitate the provision of feasibility, design, planning, tender action, and construction supervision / support services associated …
This Qualification System is designed to allow for the assembly of a multi-supplier panel with competent entities whose capabilities include but are not limited to providing services associated with Hydrogen Consultancy Services for GNI Ireland/GNI (UK) projects located in the Republic of Ireland. In 2021, GNI were tasked by the …
The Contracting Authority invites requests to participate (“Applications”) from economic operators (“Applicants”) for appointment to a Dynamic Purchasing System (“DPS”) for the provision of the services described in Appendix 1 to this RFATP (the “Services”). In summary, the Services shall comprise of: The provision of Market Research and Surveys Consultancy …
The Contracting Authority invites requests to participate (“Applications”) from economic operators (“Candidates”) for appointment to a DPS for the provision of the services described in Appendix 1 to this RFATP (the “Services”). In summary, the Services comprise: The provision of Courier Services on the Island of Ireland and International Courier …
Iarnród Éireann (IÉ) is seeking expressions of interest from suitably qualified companies to participate in the Pre-Qualification process to establish a Qualification System for Multi-disciplinary Consultancy Services for-Buildings and Structures. This qualification system is to facilitate the provision of feasibility, design, planning, tender action, and construction supervision / support services …
The Provision of Business Consultancy Services relating to Long-Term Strategy
The Qualification System is a staged process, described further in the Information Memorandum. In summary, interested parties may apply to be admitted to the Qualification System at any time. The criteria for admission to the Qualification System are set out in the Information Memorandum. The scope of the Services that …
IE invites Applicants to participate in the pre-qualification process to appoint suitably qualified companies to a qualification system for the treatment and control of various type of invasive plant species, at ad-hoc locations throughout the IE Rail Network, that may arise on an ad-hoc basis. Those companies successfully appointed to …
The key components of the Unified Cyber Incident Response service are: 1. Unified Cyber Incident Response - The unified cyber incident response capability that would be available 24/7 leading out on all cyber incident response across HSE, covering multiple security service providers and technologies 2. Endpoint Threat Monitoring - Out …
The Minister for Public Expenditure and Reform (the “Contracting Authority”) is issuing this Request for Applications to Participate (“RFATP”) in a Dynamic Purchasing System (“DPS”) as a central purchasing body. The Office of Government Procurement (the “OGP”) is an office within the Department of Public Expenditure and Reform tasked with …
This qualification system is to facilitate the supply and installation of modular buildings in single and/or multi storey arrangements of medium to large scale, typically 300m2+ for office accommodation.
An Post are creating a panel for Civil and structural engineering services. Civil and Structural engineering services will be required for a variety of projects from redesign and re-fitting of existing buildings in both the retail and mails operations, as well as refits, refurbishments and new builds etc to meet …
The Qualification system will be established for a period of four years from 15th August 2023 to 15th August 2027, with an option to extend into year five and a second option to extend into year six at IE’s discretion. Applicants may apply for inclusion at any stage during the …
SFS intends to use a Dynamic Purchasing System for the procurement of sustainable finance training services, including but not limited to the below topics: · Sustainable Finance Reporting and Disclosure · Biodiversity Finance · Net Zero Transition · ESG General Awareness Training · ESG for Legal Professionals · ESG training …
This is a call to competition Iarnród Éireann (IE) for the establishment of Qualification System for the Supply of Cast Railway Checkrail and Roller Baseplates
This QSQ is designed to allow for the provision of consultancy support and advice In order to pre-qualify the Applicant must demonstrate their competency associated with delivering of the Contract`s requirements. It is envisaged that the scope of The procurement consultancy work we are looking for will include but not …
Provision of Flexible Endosopes Provision of Flexible Endosopes