Building of an extension comprising of Primary School 1 Classroom ASD unit along with all ancillary rooms Building of an extension comprising of Primary School 1 Classroom ASD unit along with all ancillary rooms
The establishment of a panel for the provision of suitable sites for adventure trips for LMETB students. Whether day trips, one over night or two over nights including weekends. Applications to join the panel will still be considered after this date. To be included on the panel you should review …
Teagasc welcomes submissions to replace the current in house Authentication AND Authorisation system with Azure Entra ID B2C. This will involve creating a design to integrate four existing applications as part of the initial project. Then implementing the new tenancy in Entra ID and assisting with the integration of the …
2023/44 Re-advertising for Panel Membership - Year 2. Establishment of Panel for the Provision of Modern Methods of Construction Training Courses and Demonstration 2023/44 Re-advertising for Panel Membership - Year 2. Establishment of Panel for the Provision of Modern Methods of Construction Training Courses and Demonstration
WWETB requires Irish Sign Language Interpretation Service providers to support deaf and hearing impaired students. In order to meet this requirement it intends to establish a Panel for the provision of Sign Language Interpreting Services. WWETB requires Irish Sign Language Interpretation Service providers to support deaf and hearing impaired students. …
The Contracting Authority proposes to engage in a competitive process for the establishment of a panel from which it will source service providers for the provision of exam papers and online study support to Post Primary Schools and Youthreach centres in Waterford and Wexford Education and Training Board. Panel is …
TU Dublin, wish to establish a panel for the provision of Audio Visual Support Services and equipment for events of various sizes such as workshops, guest lectures, music performances, theatre productions, dance recitals and small and large conferences across all TU Dublin Campuses. The services will be required on an …
The Contracting Authority wish to create a Panel of Tutors who may be called on to deliver education services on a part-time basis for regular training, lecturing and related services. The purpose and function of the evening class programme is to provide accredited training, recreation, education and fun based activities …
The Supply and Delivery of Culinary Class Consumables to Limerick and Clare Education and Training Board Lot 1 – Fish Products Lot 2 – Meat / Poultry Products Lot 3 – Fruit and Vegetable and Dairy Products Lot 4 – Dried Food Provisions Lot 5 – Wines and Beverages The …
The Contracting Authority proposes to engage in a competitive process for the establishment of a panel from which it will source suitably qualified service providers to deliver Training programmes, from which service providers may be selected to participate in a mini competition for contract award for the design, demonstration, development/customisation, …
Pobal seeks to assist social enterprises and community and voluntary organisations to identify, develop and implement novel and innovative solutions to sustain, scale up, adapt their processes or operational models to improve their services, community activities and/or employment opportunities, or identify new opportunities and services with a particular focus on …
The Contracting Authority proposes to engage in a competitive process for the readvertisement of a panel from which it will source suitably qualified service providers to deliver Training programmes, from which service providers may be selected to participate in a mini competition for contract award for the design, demonstration, development/customisation, …
For the provision of suitable Coláiste Gaeltachta sites for LMETB Students sites for Gaeltacht Scholarships /Activities whether day trips, one over night or two over nights including weekends, two week or three weeks residential as required by the school/centre. – Year 3 Final Year For the provision of suitable Coláiste …
The Contracting Authority proposes to engage in a competitive process for further submissions following the establishment of a panel from which it will source service providers for the provision of suitable sites for venue hire for various meetings, conferences, training sessions and award ceremonies etc. The Contracting Authority proposes to …
LMETB is seeking reputable hosting organisations registered in an EU country other than Republic of Ireland and who are experienced in the working with Erasmus+ projects under Key Action 1 – Learning Mobility of Individuals - to respond to this invitation. LMETB is seeking reputable hosting organisations registered in an …
The Local Government Operational Procurement Centre (the LGOPC) acting as a Central Purchasing Body (CPB) under the auspices of Kerry County Council is co-ordinating the establishment of a Dynamic Purchasing System (DPS) for Plant Hire on behalf of 31 Local Authorities and the Office of Public Works.
The Contracting Entity intends to procure EITHER a complete turnkey contract (i.e the supply of one Fuel Oil fired shell boiler, the supply of one (or more) electrically powered shell boiler(s), and all associated ancillary equipment, designs, site work, and commissioning to achieve a complete turnkey solution.) (Lot 1); OR …
This DPS covers the provision of Establishment Services 2024-2034. The DPS will cover the following (but not limited to) Cultivation, Planting, Fencing, Fertiliser and Maintenance Nationwide across Coillte Business Area Units. All communications arising out of or in connection with the DPS will be by electronic means. No hard copy …
The Health Service Executive (HSE) wishes to procure and establish a multi-vendor Dynamic Purchasing System Qualification, appointing qualified and competent service providers to meet the HSE requirements for Beds, Cots, Mattresses and Pressure Relief Equipment. The Health Service Executive (HSE) wishes to procure and establish a multi-vendor Dynamic Purchasing System …
ESB proposes to establish a Qualification System under a negotiated procedure for Poling and Associated works in the Republic of Ireland. It is envisaged that the scope of works to be procured under this Qualification System will be as outlined in the Section A Information Memorandum attached to this publication. …
An Post is seeking to establish a qualification system (panel) to meet its requirements for Ergonomic Services to support the ongoing activities of the Authority. This Qualification Panel has been divided into three Lots. - Office /Remote DSE - Mails Centres and Machinery - Vehicles
The HSE is the Contracting Authority for this public procurement competition on its own behalf and on behalf of all organisations funded by the HSE. The HSE currently employs both endpoint and network detection and response systems as integral components of its security defence and awareness measures and is seeking …
The vision of this service is to effectively and consistently have the capability to unify the cyber incident response across multiple HSE organisational constructs. This allows HSE to have defined centralised management and accountability for handling cyber incidents within the HSE. Expected benefits include but not limited to; • Improved …
DPS: Social Housing through Turnkey Acquisition, Co, Donegal- Drawdown via Competitive Dialogue Procedure DPS: Social Housing through Turnkey Acquisition, Co, Donegal- Drawdown via Competitive Dialogue Procedure
As needs arise, the An Post Transformation team (and at times other teams) will call upon a selected panel of partners on the panel to support with expertise and / or the delivery of engagements and projects across various work themes. Please see PQQ for further details.