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Framework agreement for the laundry and hire of clinic clothing for institutions, the home service and the dental health service.
The competition is for the hire and laundry of flat textiles and resident clothing to institutions as well as work clothes for the dental health service, institutions and the home service. The service shall include collection and delivery of the textiles for the units included in the contract. The aim …
CPV: 42716100 Waschanlagen, 98310000 Dienstleistungen von Wäschereien und chemischen Reinigungen, 98311000 Abholdienst für Wäsche, 98311200 Betrieb von Wäschereien, 98312000 Textilreinigung
Remplacement production chaleur pour tunnels et laveuses de la Blanchisserie du CHU de Nantes
Remplacement production chaleur pour tunnels et laveuses de la Blanchisserie du CHU de Nantes Remplacement production chaleur pour tunnels et laveuses de la Blanchisserie du CHU de Nantes
CPV: 42716100 Waschanlagen
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