Obiectul contractului de achiziție publica “Înnoirea parcului de vehicule destinate transportului public prin achiziția unui număr de 22 troleibuze din gama de 12 m cu autonomie de minim 20 km”, conform specificațiilor din caietul de sarcini. Termenul limita pana la care orice operator economic interesat are dreptul de a solicita …
Provision of Independent Fleet and Maintenance Systems Audit Inspections Provision of Independent Fleet and Maintenance Systems Audit Inspections Provision of Independent Fleet and Maintenance Systems Audit Inspections Provision of Independent Fleet and Maintenance Systems Audit Inspections
Dublin Bus seeks proposals from suitably qualified parties for the establishment of a maintenance contract to carry out repairs and maintenance of the automatic drive through bus wash systems in each of it's locations. The contract will operate as a single party framework for a period of three years with …
ACCORDO QUADRO RELATIVO ALL’AFFIDAMENTO DELLA FORNITURA E MANUTENZIONE DI AUTOBUS LOTTO 1: (lunghezza indicativa mt. 10,70) CLASSE II, alimentati a metano CNG LOTTO 2: (lunghezza indicativa mt. 12,00) CLASSE II, alimentati a metano CNG LOTTO 3: (lunghezza indicativa mt. 10,70) CLASSE II, alimentati a gasolio LOTTO 4: (lunghezza indicativa mt. …
Servizio di manutenzione “full service” di n. 38 autobus urbani alimentati a metano Servizio di manutenzione “full service” di n. 38 autobus urbani alimentati a metano
Le Système d'acquisition dynamique : Acquisition, location et maintenance de véhicules neufs ou d'occasion. Véhicule particulier toutes énergies neuf ou d'occasion Véhicule léger utilitaire toutes énergies neuf ou d'occasion Véhicule spécifique (transport de personnes, Minibus, TMPR, 4x4,fourgonnettes…) neuf ou d'occasion Entretien (maintenance préventive et curative des véhicules)
Upphandlingen avser anskaffande av inhyrda resurser (personal) för mekaniska arbeten i Skellefteå Buss fordonsflotta Upphandlingen avser anskaffande av inhyrda resurser (personal) för mekaniska arbeten i Skellefteå Buss fordonsflotta
Mid-life renovering av bussar. Tilldelningskriterier och utvärderingsmodell för aktuell upphandling. Kvalificering av leverantör enligt LUF 13 kap som måste besvaras. Ramavtalsvillkor för aktuell upphandling. Informationspunkter som ej måste besvaras, de besvaras vid behov. Dikterar formalia om upphandlingen och innehåller informationspunkter som måste besvaras.
The purpose of this PQQ is to enable the Contracting Entity to evaluate the suitability of applicants and to arrive at a shortlist of potential suppliers for provision of bus painting services for a fleet of approx. 1100 buses. It is intended that following PQQ evaluation a number of applicants …
Auswahl von geeigneten Lieferanten zur Lieferung von Omnibussen für die Deutsche Bahn AG und aller mit ihr im Sinne von § 15 Aktiengesetz verbundenen Unternehmen zwecks Abschluss von Einzel- und Rahmenverträgen.