Lieferung eines Fahrgestelles für einen Einsatzleitwagen, eines Kofferaufbaus sowie dessen Ausbau inklusive Montage der entsprechenden luK-Technik Lieferung eines Fahrgestelles für einen Einsatzleitwagen, eines Kofferaufbaus sowie dessen Ausbau inklusive Montage der entsprechenden luK-Technik
Fourniture de deux véhicules équipés pour la collecte des déchets ménagers en porte à porte (BEOM), sous la forme de deux lots : lot n° 1 - Deux châssis cabine 26 tonnes pour benne à déchets ménagers (lot 2), lot n° 2 - Deux bennes à déchets ménagers 26 tonnes …
Setesdal Environment and recycling IKS invites tenderers to an open tender contest for the procurement of a refuse collection vehicle/compactor vehicle. The refuse collection vehicle shall be a two axled lorry (class C) with a technical total weight of minimum 20 tonnes. The system shall be a standard two chamber …
Tender For The Supply And Delivery Of Three (3) Chassis Cabs For Ambjent Malta Tender For The Supply And Delivery Of Three (3) Chassis Cabs For Ambjent Malta
The Provision of Vehicles categorised as “N1”, “N2” and “N3” under EU Directive No. 2007/46/EC i.e. Commercial Trucks ranging from 3.5 tonnes gross vehicle weight upwards. The Minister for Public Expenditure and Reform (the “Contracting Authority”) is issuing this request for applications to participate (“RFATP”) in a Dynamic Purchasing System …