CT7000/2023 - Dynamic Purchasing System for Civil, Electrical and Preparatory Works in an Environmentally Friendly Manner icw Installation of Charging Pillars across Malta and Gozo for the EWA
Establishment of a Dynamic Purchasing System for Civil, Electrical and Preparatory Works in an Environmentally Friendly Manner in Connection with the Installation of Charging Pillars Across Malta and Gozo for the Energy and Water Agency Establishment of a Dynamic Purchasing System for Civil, Electrical and Preparatory Works in an Environmentally …
CPV: 45112100 Grabenaushub, 45100000 Baureifmachung, 45262300 Betonarbeiten, 45233222 Straßenpflaster- und Asphaltarbeiten, 44113620 Asphalt, 44212225 Pfosten, 34928450 Leuchtsäulen, 45233291 Installation von Verkehrssäulen, 34922100 Straßenmarkierungen, 34992200 Verkehrsschilder, 45233290 Installation von Straßenschildern, 45311100 Installation von elektrischen Kabeln, 45310000 Installation von elektrischen Leitungen, 31213000 Verteileranlagen, 31220000 Stromkreiselemente