Die EWP/NGP beabsichtigen ein Dienstleistungsunternehmen mit der Übernahme der Ablesung von Zählern bei Privat- und Geschäftskunden im Rahmen der Jahresverbrauchsabrechnung innerhalb des betreuten Versorgungsgebietes zu beauftragen. Im Gebiet der EWP/NGP handelt es sich derzeit um: - ca. 125.000 Messeinrichtungen Strom - ca. 18.000 Messeinrichtungen Gas - ca. 36.000 Messeinrichtungen Trinkwasser …
Der BLB NRW schreibt die Errichtung und den Betrieb von Ladeinfrastruktur (LIS) für Dienstfahrzeuge und Elektrofahrzeuge Dritter, also von Beschäftigten und Bürgerinnen und Bürgern aus. Der Leistungsumfang umfasst 1.637 Ladepunkte - und einer optionalen Steigerung/ Erweiterung auf insgesamt bis zu 2.000 Ladepunkten, die sich auf 200 Standorte verteilen. Dafür sucht …
Notice of Magnet Joint Qualification System (JQS), a portal for supplier qualification and which is used by buyer organisations and all operators in the energy industry to search for, assess and qualify suppliers in accordance with their respective qualification and procurement requirements. Magnet JQS is operated by Offshore Qualific, https://offshorequalific.no/en/, …
The subject of this procurement is to provide Facility Management and Logistics (FML) Services to the Galileo Reference Centre (GRC) in Noordwijk, the Netherlands. The remit of FML for the GRC also anticipates the provision of Facility Infrastructure Maintenance, Cleaning and Groundskeeping Services for the GRC Site. The subject of …
Vi har valt att dela upp Projekt och uppdrag inom eldistribution avseende områdena mottagnings- och fördelningsstationer, nätstationer, transformatorer, ställverk, kontrollutrustning och luftledning. Alla typer av arbeten kan förekomma, såsom nybyggnation, ombyggnation, underhåll och felsökning. entreprenaderna i två olika delar. En Markanläggning Elnät samt en Elanläggningsarbete. Vi har valt att dela …
Notice of Magnet Joint Qualification System (JQS), a portal for supplier qualification and which is used by buyer organisations and all operators in the energy industry to search for, assess and qualify suppliers in accordance with their respective qualification and procurement requirements. Magnet JQS is operated by Offshore Qualific, https://offshorequalific.no/en/, …
El sistema Repro es gestionado por Achilles South Europe, S. L. U. en nombre y representación de las entidades relacionadas en el apartado VI.3. Estas entidades confirman que utilizarán Repro como un sistema común para el registro de sus suministradores, proveedores y contratistas que es gestionado y administrado por Achilles …
This Qualification System is designed to allow for the assembly of a multi-supplier panel with competent entities whose capabilities include but are not limited to providing services associated with Hydrogen Consultancy Services for GNI Ireland/GNI (UK) projects located in the Republic of Ireland. In 2021, GNI were tasked by the …
ACHILLES UTILITIES NCE is a joint qualification system for suppliers and contractors to utilities in Nordics and Central Europe. It's operated by Achilles under Article 77 of Directive 2014/25/EU. The subscribing utilities will use ACHILLES UTILITIES NCE for tenderer selection for contracts and framework agreements subject to EU procurement rules, …
TRANSQ is a joint qualification system for suppliers and contractors to leading Scandinavian transport and postal utilities. It's operated by Achilles under Article 77 of Directive 2014/25/EU. The subscribing utilities will use TRANSQ for tenderer selection for contracts and framework agreements subject to EU procurement rules but reserve the right …