Procedura aperta, ai sensi all’art. 71, D.Lgs. n. 36/2023 e s.m.i., sopra la soglia europea, per l’affidamento del “Servizio di noleggio di una motonave completa di equipaggio per l’esecuzione del servizio marittimo Aquileia – Grado – Aquileia" Procedura aperta, ai sensi all’art. 71, D.Lgs. n. 36/2023 e s.m.i., sopra la …
Procedura aperta, ai sensi all’art. 71, D.Lgs. n. 36/2023 e s.m.i., sopra la soglia europea, per l’affidamento del “Servizio di noleggio di una motonave completa di equipaggio per l’esecuzione del servizio marittimo Lignano – Grado" Procedura aperta, ai sensi all’art. 71, D.Lgs. n. 36/2023 e s.m.i., sopra la soglia europea, …
Procedura aperta, ai sensi all’art. 71, D.Lgs. n. 36/2023, sopra la soglia europea, per l’affidamento del “Servizio di noleggio di una motonave" Procedura aperta, ai sensi all’art. 71, D.Lgs. n. 36/2023, sopra la soglia europea, per l’affidamento del Servizio di noleggio di una motonave completa di equipaggio per l’esecuzione del …
NB THIS IS A CONTRACT AWARD! The Norwegian Institute of Marine Research would like to hire a vessel for marking and biological sampling of mackerel on the spawning fields in the west of Ireland/Hebridene/Shetland for approx. 30 days in the period between mid-April to the first week of June. The …
NB THIS IS A CONTRACT AWARD! The Norwegian Institute of Marine Research (the Contracting Authority) wishes to hire a combined ringnot/trawl vessel for estimation of the flask in western Ireland in the period 2025-2026. The contract will be valid from 01.01.2025 until and including 31.12.2026. The vessel must have a …
NB THIS IS A CONTRACT AWARD! The Norwegian Institute of Marine Research (the Contracting Authority) would like to hire a combined ringnot/trawl vessel for estimation of Norwegian spring herring under the spawning ladder in the period 2025-2028. The contract will be valid from 01.01.2025 to and including 31.12.2028. The vessel …
NB THIS IS A CONTRACT AWARD! The Norwegian Institute of Marine Research (the Contracting Authority) wishes to hire two combined pursenot/trawl vessels for comprehensive annual amounts estimation of mackerel. The contract has a duration of two years and applies from and including 01.01.201. 2025 to and including 31.12.2026. Signing of …
The Local Government Operational Procurement Centre (the LGOPC) acting as a Central Purchasing Body (CPB) under the auspices of Kerry County Council is co-ordinating the establishment of a Dynamic Purchasing System (DPS) for Plant Hire on behalf of 31 Local Authorities and the Office of Public Works.