Przedmiotem zamówienia jest wykonanie monitoringu przyrodniczego i sporządzenie ekspertyzy przyrodniczej, przedstawiającej ocenę stanu zachowania przedmiotów ochrony obszarów Natura 2000. Zamówienie zostało podzielone na trzynaście części. Opracowanie ekspertyzy przyrodniczej na potrzeby PZO dla obszaru Natura 2000 Aleja Pachnicowa PLH140054 – owady Opracowanie ekspertyzy przyrodniczej na potrzeby PZO dla obszaru Natura 2000 …
The procurement is for a framework agreement for 2+2 years) for one total supplier for the delivery of oil slurries with fixed floating bodies for use in action against severe pollution. IUA Bergen Region KO (intermunicipal cooperation with acute pollution) with collaboration partners has a need for such material. The …
Rare Vascular Plant Surveys Rare Vascular Plant Surveys
The management of a project to protect nesting Little Terns at Kilcoole in Co. Wicklow, by provision of wardening on the site for the duration of Tern nesting. The management of a project to protect nesting Little Terns at Kilcoole in Co. Wicklow, by provision of wardening on the site …
Izrada inventara emisija i ponora stakleničkih plinova RH (NID 2025-2027) Izrada inventara emisija i ponora stakleničkih plinova RH (NID 2025-2027)
NPWS Agri-Ecology Unit seeks to contract services for the design of NPWS Farm Plans in 2025. In total, 101 individual plans have been identified at the time of publishing this Request for Tender. The role of the farm planner or farm planning team, is to carefully evaluate the receiving environment …
1 X Positions for coordinating and undertaking census work for corncrakes across the Republic of Ireland and working with the Corncrake/Traonach LIFE project to administer the corncrake grant scheme and deliver habitat management works across the birds breeding range in Ireland. 1 X Positions for coordinating and undertaking census work …
Avtalet omfattar konsulttjänster med syfte att säkerställa en miljöanpassad samhällsförvaltning och utveckling. Uppdragen inom kompetensområdet rör ofta miljötekniska uppdrag såsom MKB, tillståndsärenden, miljöinventeringar av byggnad och utredningar av miljöpåverkan. Avtalet omfattar konsulttjänster med syfte att säkerställa en miljöanpassad samhällsförvaltning och utveckling. Uppdragen inom kompetensområdet rör ofta miljötekniska uppdrag såsom MKB, …
The government of Indonesia has recognised the need to transform the economy into a green and inclusive economy, developed strategies and introduced initial reforms. Key strategies include the RPJPN 2005-2025, RPJPN 2025-2045, the RPJMN 2020-2024 and the RPJMN 2025-2029 under development. One of the central goals until 2045 is to …
In 2025 the Norwegian Environment Agency will start a new project that shall create all-covering natural maps based on Nature in Norway system (NiN). Two announcements are planned for the project during the first part of 2025, one for field mapping and one for map production. We are already sharing …