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SPD8/2024/113 - Framework Contract for the Analysis of Passive Diffusion Tubes and Particulate Matter Passive Filters, and for the Service Analysis of Atmospheric Bulk Deposition Samples
Framework Contract for the Analysis of Passive Diffusion Tubes and Particulate Matter Passive Filters, and for the Service Analysis of Atmospheric Bulk Deposition Samples Framework Contract for the Analysis of Passive Diffusion Tubes and Particulate Matter Passive Filters, and for the Service Analysis of Atmospheric Bulk Deposition Samples Framework Contract …
CPV: 38344000 Ausrüstung für Verunreinigungsüberwachung, 90711500 Umweltüberwachung in anderen Bereichen als dem Bausektor, 90731400 Überwachung oder Messung von Luftverschmutzung, 90731800 Überwachung der Feinstaubkonzentration
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