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Contract 2121 Ground and securing work for buildings M, N and O - Nye Rikshospitalet
The contract mainly comprises construction pits for Building M-N-O and areas west and north of MNO towards the Cwings: • Establishment of a construction pit for Building M, N and O• Demolition of Temporary preliminary site I• Pipe wall and pipe sheet along the C-wing and by folding tunnel towards …
CPV: 44212410 Spundwände, 45111211 Sprengarbeiten, 45112000 Aushub- und Erdbewegungsarbeiten, 45112400 Aushubarbeiten, 45113000 Baustelleneinrichtung, 45231300 Bauarbeiten für Wasser- und Abwasserrohrleitungen, 45231400 Bauarbeiten für Starkstromleitungen
Dynamic purchasing system for the hire of lorries and site machines with and without drivers, vibration measurements, pressure testing and pipe inspections.
ROR Innkjøp is now establishing a dynamic purchasing system (DIO) for the hire of lorries and construction machines with and without drivers, vibration measurements, pressure testing and pipe inspections in accordance with chapter 22 in chapter 22 of the Regulations on Procurement Regulations in the supply sectors (supply regulations). This …
CPV: 43132200 Bohrturm, 45111211 Sprengarbeiten, 60181000 Vermietung von Lastwagen mit Fahrer, 60182000 Vermietung von Schwerlastwagen mit Fahrer, 71356000 Dienstleistungen im technischen Bereich, 71631430 Prüfungen auf Leckfreiheit, 76600000 Überwachung von Rohrleitungen
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