Acquisition de papier, de fournitures scolaires, de matériels éducatifs et pédagogiques, de matériels de sports, de motricité et de loisirs et acquisition de jeux et jouets pour les besoins de la villes de Soisy-sous-Montmorency Acquisition de papier Acquisition d'ateliers créatifs, de matériels éducatifs, pédagogiques et de loisirs Acquisition de fournitures …
3.1. Przedmiotem zamówienia jest Dostawa materiałów edukacyjno-promocyjnych na potrzeby realizacji projektu Kampania Kolejowe ABC III w podziale na 2 części, tj.: 3.1.1. Część 1: Materiały edukacyjno-promocyjne. 3.1.2. Część 2: Maskotki bohatera kampanii. Materiały edukacyjno-promocyjne. Maskotki bohatera kampanii
Zajištění dodávek reklamních a propagačních předmětů. Zajištění dodávek reklamních a propagačních předmětů. Zajištění dodávek reklamních a propagačních předmětů.
New slotracing track Chemnitz/Einsiedel Im Rahmen der Kulturhauptstadt 2025 in Chemnitz ist das Ziel des Jugendclubs Einsiedel die Errichtung einer Bahnanlage, auf welcher regionale, nationale und auch internationale Wettkämpfe ausgetragen werden können.
<br/>L'accord-cadre sera exécuté par la conclusion de marchés subséquents et l'émission de bons de commande dans les conditions du cahier des charges.<br/>Chaque lot fera l'objet d'une attribution séparée.<br/>Les prestations sont réglées par des prix unitaires.<br/>Achat de livres et manuels scolaires, de fournitures scolaires et pédagogiques pour les travaux manuels, activités …
Request for Tenders dated the 27/01/2025 for the supply of resources, equipment and materials including books and games, assessment kits and audio- visual learning resources pertinent to the area of special education. Request for Tenders dated the 27/01/2025 for the supply of resources, equipment and materials including books and games, …
Bodø municipality with cooperating municipalities (hereafter called Bodø) needs to enter into a framework agreement for the procurement of art materials and toys, primarily for schools, including the School Free Time Scheme (hereafter called "SFO") and nurseries. The new framework agreement shall cover product areas and categories such as i.a. …
Bodø municipality with cooperating municipalities (hereafter called Bodø) needs to enter into a framework agreement for the procurement of art materials and toys, primarily for schools, including the School Free Time Scheme (hereafter called "SFO") and nurseries. The new framework agreement shall cover product areas and categories such as i.a. …
This competition is to establish a Multi-supplier Framework Agreement for the supply and delivery of Branded Merchandise to Munster Technological University. Further details are provided in the tender documentation attached to this Contract Notice. This competition is to establish a Multi-supplier Framework Agreement for the supply and delivery of Branded …
Bodø municipality with cooperating municipalities (hereafter called Bodø) needs to enter into a framework agreement for the procurement of art materials and toys, primarily for schools, including the School Free Time Scheme (hereafter called "SFO") and nurseries. The new framework agreement shall cover product areas and categories such as i.a. …