Finance Management System for Saint John of God Community Services as per Appendix 1 of the RFT. Finance Management System for Saint John of God Community Services as per Appendix 1 of the RFT.
Omejeni postopek z dinamičnim nabavnim sistemom v trajanju 48 mesecev zmožnostjo podaljšanja. Javno naročilo je razdeljeno na kategorije: Kategorija 1: Namizno in pisarniško okolje Kategorija 2: Sistemsko okolje Kategorija 3: Omrežno okolje in sistemske varnostne rešitve Kategorija 4: Licenčna programska oprema in storitve Podrobne specifikacije posameznih vrst opreme po kategorijah …
The competition is for the delivery of a user friendly and future orientated digital MOMD system that shall safeguard the processes for management, operation, maintenance, hire and development of buildings with outside areas and inside and hire, such as housing and businesses, in a general way. The procurement ́s value …
Biljettsystem för hantering av Vara konserthus samtliga åtagande i samband med ett biljettsystem. Biljettsystem för hantering av Vara konserthus samtliga åtagande i samband med ett biljettsystem.
The services shall consist of the delivery of a hosting service for CCPC websites, redevelopment of the lead website, ongoing support and maintenance of all CCPC websites and applications, and delivery of other website and application development projects as required over the contract duration. The services shall consist of …
Detta auktorisationssystem avser att tillgodose betalningslösningar till kommunens parkörer. Kommunens ambition är att erbjuda en plattform där det ska råda sund konkurrens och att de tjänster som erbjuds uppfyller grundläggande krav på kvalitet. I Kalmar kommun ska parkör utifrån ett urval av leverantörer erbjudas ett enkelt, snabbt och lättillgängligt sätt …
The services shall consist of the delivery of a hosting service for CCPC websites, redevelopment of the lead website, ongoing support and maintenance of all CCPC websites and applications, and delivery of other website and application development projects as required over the contract duration. The services shall consist of …
Adquisición e implantación de infraestructura para CPDs y soluciones/plataformas SW para el desarrollo de servicios digitales inteligentes en el ámbito sanitario. / Desarrollo de caso de uso de Inteligencia Artificial en el sector educativo. Adquisición e implantación de infraestructura para CPDs y soluciones/plataformas SW para el desarrollo de servicios digitales …
Drift, support, underhåll och uppgraderingar av verksamhetssystemet Procapita/Lifecare IFO. Frivillig förhandsinsyn Verksamhetssystem VoO
The aim is to procure and implement a comprehensive system that can handle the core functions connected to finance, HR, payroll, procurement and any other associated functions in an integrated and efficient way. Furthermore, IVAR is a production company and can, thus, use a broad spectrum of systems connected to …