This competition is for a framework agreement for the production and delivery of up to 6 complete pelagic sample taking trawls Multpelt 832 including: Measuring, adjusting and repairing the trawls after use (use is estimated at once per year)Storing the trawls when they are not in use Return for reuse/environmentally …
The Directorate of Fisheries would like to hire a factory/freeze trawler with a cod trawler north of 62° N. The vessel must be rigged with double trawling (two identical trawls) for fishing for cod, haddock and uer. Be rigged and equipped to be able to fish with floating trawls. All …
Bau und betriebsfertige Lieferung des eisbrechenden Polarforschungs- und Versorgungsschiffes POLARSTERN II Bau und betriebsfertige Lieferung des eisbrechenden Polarforschungs- und Versorgungsschiffes POLARSTERN II
Reisijate vedamiseks hõljuki ostmine vastavalt riigihanke alusdokumentides kehtestatud tingimustele. Reisijate vedamiseks hõljuki ostmine vastavalt riigihanke alusdokumentides kehtestatud tingimustele.
Ombyggnation av vägfärjan Neptunus i syfte att möjliggöra elektrisk laddning och drift, samt option med införande av viss automatisk drift. Ombyggnation av vägfärjan Neptunus i syfte att möjliggöra elektrisk laddning och drift samt option med införande av viss automatisk drift.
Stawiacz pław o napędzie własnym, pracujący w III rejonie żeglugi – 20 mil od linii brzegowej, klasa lodowa L1 – samodzielna żegluga w zimie na morzach niearktycznych w ciężkich warunkach lodowych. Jednostka pływająca przeznaczona do obsługi oznakowania nawigacyjnego w portach, Zalewie Szczecińskim, zatokach i na redach małych portów. Stawiacz pław …
La consultation porte sur la conclusion d'un marché à tranches ayant pour objet l'acquisition de vedettes garde-côtes (VGC) pour la Direction générale des douanes et des droits indirects (DGDDI). Le marché se compose d'une tranche ferme forfaitaire et de 3 tranches optionnelles. Chaque tranche du marché comprend les prestations suivantes …
Apsaugos kateris Apsaugos kateris
Ryfylke Friluftsråd plans to hold a competition for a workboat for the operation of the skerry service in Ryfylke and aims to announce the competition by week 7, 2025. The estimated contract value is estimated to be between NOK 200,000 and NOK 3,000,00 NOK 15,000,000 excluding VAT and NOK 15,000,000 …
The procurement of three (3) (Caribbean) Support Crafts, including deliverables and training, that will enable the CZMCARIB to effectively fulfill its mission objectives, particularly in providing humanitarian assistance and disaster relief (HADR) operations. The procurement of three (3) (Caribbean) Support Crafts, including deliverables and training, that will enable the CZMCARIB …