Upphandling avsedd för projekt NOVAs demoverksamhet DIS Rugged Heavy use handheld devices Non rugged handheld devices Vehicle mounted devices Accessories Devices and/or accessoeries with D2D-capabilities Dynamic Purchaing System
El sistema Repro es gestionado por Achilles South Europe, S. L. U. en nombre y representación de las entidades relacionadas en el apartado VI.3. Estas entidades confirman que utilizarán Repro como un sistema común para el registro de sus suministradores, proveedores y contratistas que es gestionado y administrado por Achilles …
This notice supplements previously published notice from Elektrownia Wiatrowa Baltica – 2 SP. Z o.o. – 2022/S 171-485785 (Supplies). This notice is published on a voluntary basis in order to increase transparency and knowledge about Ørsted Entities' purchases in EU tender procedures. This notice relates to the contracting entities projects …
ACHILLES UTILITIES NCE is a joint qualification system for suppliers and contractors to utilities in Nordics and Central Europe. It's operated by Achilles under Article 77 of Directive 2014/25/EU. The subscribing utilities will use ACHILLES UTILITIES NCE for tenderer selection for contracts and framework agreements subject to EU procurement rules, …
TRANSQ is a joint qualification system for suppliers and contractors to leading Scandinavian transport and postal utilities. It's operated by Achilles under Article 77 of Directive 2014/25/EU. The subscribing utilities will use TRANSQ for tenderer selection for contracts and framework agreements subject to EU procurement rules but reserve the right …
O sistema de qualificação de fornecedores destina-se a criar e gerir listas de fornecedores qualificados, com vista à seleção de concorrentes ou participantes, respetivamente, em concursos limitados por prévia qualificação ou em procedimentos de negociação, envolvendo as seguintes subcategorias de compra: 100201 Cabos Nus para Linhas e Subestações MAT 100204 …
Sistema Dinámico de Adquisición de suministro de material de oficina en el Hospital Intermutual de Levante. Sistema Dinámico de Adquisición de suministro de material de oficina en el Hospital Intermutual de Levante.
Dynamiskt inköpssystem för mobil inomhustäckning Mobil inomhustäckning till Sveriges Domstolar
ACHILLES UTILITIES NCE is a joint qualification system for suppliers and contractors to utilities in Nordics and Central Europe. It's operated by Achilles under Article 77 of Directive 2014/25/EU. The entities mentioned in this notice and the Ørsted Group will use ACHILLES UTILITIES NCE for tenderer selection for contracts and …
ACHILLES UTILITIES NCE is a joint qualification system for suppliers and contractors to utilities in Nordics and Central Europe. It's operated by Achilles under Article 77 of Directive 2014/25/EU. The entities mentioned in this notice and the Ørsted Group will use ACHILLES UTILITIES NCE for tenderer selection for contracts and …