Lieferung von 3 Stck. Doppelkabiner mit Kipper Lieferung von 3 Stck. Doppelkabiner mit Kipper
ACQUISITION DE VEHICULES NEUFS AU PROFIT DE L'AGENCE REGIONALE DE SANTE DE LA REUNION Acquisition de véhicules thermiques surélevé type SUV ACQUISITION DE VEHICULES NEUFS AU PROFIT DE L'AGENCE REGIONALE DE SANTE DE LA REUNION : Lot n° 1 - Acquisition de véhicules thermiques surélevés type SUV ; Lot n° …
In summary, the Goods comprise: • Lot 1 Vehicle Specifications C Segment Small Family Car with a gross battery capacity of ≥55kWh (Minimum WLTP range of 370km) • Lot 2 Vehicle Specifications J Segment Mid-Sized SUV with a gross battery capacity of ≥75kWh (minimum WLTP range of 500km) • Lot …
Suite à l’arrêté du Gouvernement de la Région de Bruxelles-Capitale du 15 mai 2014 relatif à l’exemplarité des pouvoirs publics en matière de transport et à la feuille de route du Plan Climat approuvé par le Gouvernement bruxellois (version octobre 2019), qui vise à transformer le centre-ville de Bruxelles en …
Dans les mois et les années à venir, l'agglomération du COTENTIN devra effectuer plusieurs mises en concurrence pour le renouvellement ou l'extension de son parc de véhicules (VL et VU), poids lourds, engins et remorques. En parallèle, les nouvelles règlementations incitent les collectivités à promouvoir l'économie circulaire. L'agglomération du COTENTIN …
Oslo municipality, c/o the Agency for Improvement and Development, department for procurement services (henceforth referred to as the Contracting Authority), invites tenderers to a restricted tender contest for the establishment of a dynamic purchasing system (DPS) for the procurement of light vehicles to Oslo municipality ́s entities. See the attached …
The Local Government Operational Procurement Centre (the LGOPC) acting as a Central Purchasing Body (CPB) under the auspices of Kerry County Council is co-ordinating the establishment of a Dynamic Purchasing System (DPS) for Plant Hire on behalf of 31 Local Authorities and the Office of Public Works.
The procurement concerns leasing and procurement of vehicles including vehicle administration. The procurement concerns leasing and procurement of vehicles including vehicle administration for zone 1: Hallingdal which consists of the following municipalities: Flå kommuneÅl kommuneHol municipalityGol municipalityHemsedal municipalityNesbyen kommuneHallingdal fire and rescue IKS The procurement concerns leasing and procurement of …
The procurement concerns leasing and procurement of vehicles including vehicle administration. The procurement concerns leasing and procurement of vehicles including vehicle administration for zone 1: Hallingdal which consists of the following municipalities: Flå kommuneÅl kommuneHol municipalityGol municipalityHemsedal municipalityNesbyen kommuneHallingdal fire and rescue IKS The procurement concerns leasing and procurement of …
KFP063F: Dynamic Purchasing System for the Provision (purchase only) of Passenger Cars and Pickup Trucks to Public Sector Bodies in Ireland