DPS for the provision of Surgical Attire, Drapes, Anaesthetic Consumables, Sutures, Theatre Consumables, CSSD Consumables, to include all related Consumables HSE Ref 16766/23899
DPS for the provision of Surgical Attire, Drapes, Anaesthetic Consumables, Sutures, Theatre Consumables, CSSD Consumables, to include all related Consumables. This DPS Invitation has been prepared for the purpose of providing information to economic operators interested in participating in a public procurement process for the establishment of a Dynamic Purchasing …
CPV: 39518100 Operationswäsche, 39518200 Operationslaken, 33157110 Sauerstoffmasken, 33141125 Material für chirurgische Suturen, 33141121 Chirurgische Suturen, 33141122 Chirurgische Nahtklammern, 33171110 Anästhesiemasken, 33172000 Ausrüstung für Anästhesie und Reanimation, 33198200 Sterilisationstaschen oder -hüllen aus Papier, 39831200 Detergenzien