The Board of Management of Boherbue Comprehensive School (the contracting Authority)invites tenders("Tenders") to this call for tenders(CFT) from economic operators ("Tenderers") for the supply of goods as described in this CFT.The goods are to required to be delivered and installed to Boherbue Comprehensive School,Boherbue,Mallow, Co Cork before end of August …
Bodø municipality with cooperating municipalities (hereafter called Bodø) needs to enter into a framework agreement for the procurement of art materials and toys, primarily for schools, including the School Free Time Scheme (hereafter called "SFO") and nurseries. The new framework agreement shall cover product areas and categories such as i.a. …
It has been decided by the International Military Sports Counsil (Counsil International du Sport Militaire (CISM)), that from 2026 the shooting discipline will change from 300 meters with cal. 6.0/6,5mm to 50 meters with cal. 22. Therefore, DALO wishes to enter into a Framework Agreement regarding rifles, spare parts and …
Обществената поръчка е с предмет: ,,Доставка и монтаж на оборудване за нуждите на Младежки център – Благоевград по проект №BG-RRP-1.008-0010 „Изграждане на младежки център Благоевград“, Административен договор за БФП №BG-RRP-1.008-0010 от 23.02.2024 г., финансиран по линия на Национален план за възстановяване и устойчивост на Република България, Стълб 1 „Иновативна България“, …
Bodø municipality with cooperating municipalities (hereafter called Bodø) needs to enter into a framework agreement for the procurement of art materials and toys, primarily for schools, including the School Free Time Scheme (hereafter called "SFO") and nurseries. The new framework agreement shall cover product areas and categories such as i.a. …
Bodø municipality with cooperating municipalities (hereafter called Bodø) needs to enter into a framework agreement for the procurement of art materials and toys, primarily for schools, including the School Free Time Scheme (hereafter called "SFO") and nurseries. The new framework agreement shall cover product areas and categories such as i.a. …
Denna upphandling avser lek-och hobbymaterial för Lunds kommun inom följande produktgrupper • Lekmaterial för inomhus-och utomhus bruk • Pedagogiskt lekmaterial • Hobbymaterial • Cyklar, barnvagnar och småbarnsartiklar • Uteverksamhet Denna upphandling avser lek-och hobbymaterial för Lunds kommun inom följande produktgrupper • Lekmaterial för inomhus-och utomhus bruk • Pedagogiskt lekmaterial • …
Achiziția de materiale didactice în cadrul proiectului “DOTAREA CU MOBILIER, MATERIALE DIDACTICE ȘI ECHIPAMENTE DIGITALE UNITĂȚI DE ÎNVĂȚĂMÂNT PREUNIVERSITAR, MUNICIPIUL CÂMPINA, JUDEȚUL PRAHOVA” , în condițiile și cantitățile prevăzute în cadrul Caietului de sarcini, parte a documentației de atribuire. • Lot 1 - Material Didactic - Săli clasă/cabinete didactice • …
Achiziție de materiale didactice în cadrul proiectului: “DOTAREA CU MOBILIER, MATERIALE DIDACTICE ȘI ECHIPAMENTE DIGITALE A UNITĂȚILOR DE ÎNVĂȚĂMÂNT PREUNIVERSITAR ȘI A UNITĂȚILOR CONEXE DIN JUDEȚUL CĂLĂRAȘI”, în condițiile și cantitățile prevăzute în cadrul Caietului de sarcini, parte a documentației de atribuire. • Lot 1 – Material Didactic - Săli …
Denna upphandling avser lek-och hobbymaterial för Lunds kommun inom följande produktgrupper • Lekmaterial för inomhus-och utomhus bruk • Pedagogiskt lekmaterial • Hobbymaterial • Cyklar, barnvagnar och småbarnsartiklar • Uteverksamhet Denna upphandling avser lek-och hobbymaterial för Lunds kommun inom följande produktgrupper • Lekmaterial för inomhus-och utomhus bruk • Pedagogiskt lekmaterial • …