<br/>Les prestations sont réglées par des prix forfaitaires.<br/>Fourniture et installation d'une station de vidage aux Ateliers municipaux de Tours.<br/> <br/>Les prestations sont réglées par des prix forfaitaires.<br/>Fourniture et installation d'une station de vidage aux Ateliers municipaux de Tours.<br/>
1/IUDIII1/GG076_Konferenztischsystem siehe Material- und Leistungsliste (Leistungsverzeichnis) sowie Leistungsbeschreibung
The health companies in Helse Sør-Øst want to inform that there is a tender competition for the item Module based storage system for the Health Companies in Helse Sør-Øst. The tender competition will be divided into the following assortment: - Module slopes/module baskets, and dividing walls - Modular cabinets - …
A nationwide framework agreement shall be signed for the Norwegian Customs, hereafter called the Contracting Authority, within the agreement area office furniture and fixtures. The aim is to procure furniture and/or reuse furniture that covers the Contracting Authority's ongoing need for the delivery of office furniture and fixtures. Office furniture …
We have a requirement for a selection of home furnishing items, with our most popular items listed in Table A. Our intention is to enter into a 24 month arrangement with a supplier who can quote a price for these items that would be valid for that period. There will …
Acquisition de mobiliers de bureau administratifs et d'éducation Montant maximum annuel : 60 000 euros H.T Montant maximum annuel : 30 000 euros H.T maximum annuel : 185 000 euros H.T Montant maximum annuel : 135 000 euros H.T Montant maximum annuel : 30 000 euros H.T Montant maximum annuel …
Suministro de materiales de artículos de ferretería y de madera para que los diferentes oficios especializados puedan desempeñar sus tareas Lote 1.- Artículos de ferretería Lote 3.- Madera, tableros, tarimas, aglomerados y canteo. Lote 4.- Puertas, blocks, bastidores y complementos. Lote 5.- Módulos y accesorios. Lote 6.- Madera tratada exterior.
Suministro, en la modalidad de arrendamiento, de diferentes elementos desmontables y maquinaria para la celebración de Marenostrum Fuengirola. Lote 2: Suministro de carpas y jaimas.
Předmětem plnění veřejné zakázky budou dodávky kancelářského nábytku pro resort dopravy, dělené na 6 částí, v souladu s pokynem ministra „Odpovědné zadávání veřejných zakázek v resortu Ministerstva dopravy“. Předmětem plnění veřejné zakázky budou dodávky kancelářského nábytku pro resort dopravy pro část 1 Praha a Střední Čechy v souladu s pokynem …
Atlantic Technological University invites Prequalification Applications in relation to the establishment of a single party framework for the supply, delivery, installation and repair of furniture for Atlantic Technological University. The successful operator will accept full responsibility for the delivery of the goods/services to all ATU Locations. • ATU Galway City …