PAS121F-01-035 PROJ000010023 RFT for Market Research and Surveys Consultancy Services for An Garda Síochána PAS121F-01-035 PROJ000010023 RFT for Market Research and Surveys Consultancy Services for An Garda Síochána
The contracting authority shall measure the Norwegian population's impression and opinion of the defence sector, as well as the effect of marketing and communication activities. The Norwegian Armed Forces have, based on this, a need to carry out public measurements on a regular basis. The surveys aim at measuring the …
Realización de los trabajos de campo y otros trabajos para ocho encuestas (olas) para el Barómetro Municipal de Opinión Ciudadana Realización de los trabajos de campo y otros trabajos para ocho encuestas (olas) para el Barómetro Municipal de Opinión Ciudadana
Achiziționarea de servicii pentru: ”Elaborarea planului de management al ariilor naturale protejate din Masivul Ceahlău administrate de Județul Neamț” în cadrul proiectului ”Asigurarea unui management integrat, conservativ şi durabil al ariilor naturale protejate administrate de Judeţul Neamţ” – cod SMIS 117007. Obiectul contractului este reprezentat de urmatoarele servicii: 1. Servicii …
БНР възлага извършването на системно, периодично изследване на радиоаудиторията в Република България, което да измери обема, профилa и моделите на слушане радиоаудиторията на национално и областно ниво за срок от 12 (дванадесет) месеца. В рамките на поръчката следва да бъдат планирани и осъществени следните изследователски дейности: национално представително социологическо изследване …
Category 2 – Selection of participants. The services relate to the definition and implementation of a methodology for the recruitment of citizens who will be attending and participating to the deliberative or co-creation events. Category 2 – Selection of participants. The services relate to the definition and implementation of a …
Vorbereitung, Durchführung und Auswertung je einer Befragung zur Mitarbeitendenzufriedenheit in den Jahren 2025 und 2027 Durchführung von zwei Zufriedenheitsbefragungen unter den Beschäftigten der Autobahn GmbH des Bundes in den Jahren 2025 und 2027
Ajánlatkérő a jelen eljárást az alábbiakban megjelölt keretmegállapodás alapján folytatta le a közbeszerzésekről szóló 2015. évi CXLIII. törvény 105. § (1) bekezdés c) pont szerint. A keretmegállapodás tárgya: „Keretmegállapodás rendezvényszervezéshez kapcsolódó feladatok ellátására a Nemzeti Kommunikációs Hivatal jogállásáról és a kormányzati kommunikációs beszerzésekről szóló 162/2020. (IV. 30.) Korm. rendelet 2. …
Provision of Market Research and Surveys Consultancy Services for Dublin City Council (DCC) Provision of Market Research and Surveys Consultancy Services for Dublin City Council (DCC)
El objeto del contrato implica la recopilación y análisis de los datos de los diferentes actores implicados en la movilidad del ámbito de estudio, la creación de las matrices origen-destino, para posteriormente poder hacer un diagnóstico de la adecuación de la ofertademanda, detección de los principales problemas reales y potenciales …