The Marine Institute invites tenders to this request for tenders from economic operators for appointment to a multi-supplier framework agreement for the provision of: Acquisition of data relevant to the future management of the crayfish (spiny lobster; Palinurus elephas) fishery and closely related set net fisheries off the south west …
The Marine Institute invites tenders to this request for tenders from economic operators for the provision of the services as described in this request for tenders. In summary, the Services comprise: the provision of marine satellite data services in support of offshore deployments. The Marine Institute invites tenders to this …
Servicios relacionados con la flora y fauna marina – Servicio de asistencia técnica para el seguimiento de la actividad del submarinismo a la Reserva Natural Parcial Marina de las Medes dentro del Parque Natural del Montgrí, las Islas Medes y el Bajo Ter. Servicios marítimos – Servicio de cobro por …
Im Rahmen des Auftrags der Bundesrepublik Deutschland (Auftraggeberin), vertreten durch das Bundesministerium für Umwelt, Naturschutz, nukleare Sicherheit und Verbraucherschutz (BMUV) werden Erkundungs- und Bergungsleistungen im BMUV-Sofortprogramm "Munitionsaltlasten in Nord- und Ostsee erbracht. Im Rahmen des Sofortprogramms soll die Machbarkeit einer sicheren, effizienten und umweltgerechten Bergung und Entsorgung von Munitionsaltlasten in …
The Norwegian Defence Materiel Agency is establishing the purchasing system on behalf of the Norwegian Armed Forces and its underlying departments. The FD ́s underlying departments are currently the following: The Norwegian Defence Estates Agency, the Norwegian Defence Materiel Agency, the Norwegian Defence Materiel Agency, also enters into the contract …
Länsstyrelsen Skåne bjuder in leverantörer att inkomma med ansökning för att deltaga i ett dynamiskt inköpssystem, DIS, gällande marinbiologiska och maringeologiska konsulttjänster.