The Board of Management of Presentation Secondary School (the contracting Authority)invites tenders("Tenders") to this call for tenders(CFT) from economic operators ("Tenderers") for the supply of goods as described in this CFT.The goods are to required to be delivered and installed to Presentation Secondary School,,Loughboy,Kilkenny before end of Spring 2025.All goods …
Dotarea cu materiale didactice necesare desfășurării în bune condiții a procesului de predare-învățare-evaluare a unor unități de învățământ preuniversitar (Liceul Tehnologic Special pentru Copii cu Deficiențe Auditive Buzău, Centrul Școlar de Educație Incluzivă Buzău, Centrul Școlar de Educație Incluzivă Râmnicu Sărat – încadrate în categoria învățământului profesional și tehnic și …
Instrumentiertes Laufband und optisches Trackingsystem: Gegenstand der Beschaffung ist eine Experimtalumgebung bestehend aus einem instrumentierten Laufband und einem optischen Trackingsystem. Laufband: ein instrumentiertes, kraftmessendes Laufband mit zwei unabhängigen Bändern in einer nebeneinander liegenden Konfiguration. Trackingsystem: ein optisches, markerbasiertes Bewegungsaufzeichnungssystem mit mindestens 8 Tracking-Kameras und einer Videokamera, einschließlich Computerhardware zur Datenverarbeitung …
Zweibeiniger Roboter mit Experimentalumgebung Los 1 - Zweibeiniger Roboter: Gegenstand der Beschaffung ist ein ungefähr menschengroßer zweibeiniger Roboter, welcher dynamische Bewegungen wie schnelles Gehen oder Laufen durchführen kann. Der Roboter muss relativ leicht sein und die Aktuatoren müssen stark und schnell genug sein, um den Hauptkörper bei schnellen Bewegungen zu …
This DPS Invitation has been prepared for the purpose of providing information to economic operators interested in participating in a public procurement process for the establishment of a Dynamic Purchasing System (hereafter the DPS) for the supply where relevant of Aids and Appliances. This DPS Invitation has been prepared for …
The HSE wishes to establish a DPS Invitation for the supply of Aids & Appliances including product Training and Technical Support. Community Funded Schemes (CFS) are an important component of the Health Services that are provided in the community. They play an important role in ensuring that members of the …