The supply and delivery of Fresh Meat, Poultry, Fish and Eggs as detailed in Appendix 1 and Appendix 2 of the RFT. The supply and delivery of Fresh Meat, Poultry, Fish and Eggs as detailed in Appendix 1 and Appendix 2 of the RFT. The supply and delivery of Fresh …
The procurement is a co-operation between Stange, Hamar, Løten and Elverum municipalities. The procurement is a co-operation between Stange, Hamar, Løten and Elverum municipalities.
Furnizare de alimente conform specificațiilor din fișele tehnice ale produselor solicitate, pe loturi, în corespondență cu cantitățile minime și maxime din caietul de sarcini anexat. Apa minerala 2,5 L 67,200.00 Apa minerala 2l 24,000.00 Apa plata 2.5 L 43,200.00 Oua 216,000.00 bucati Linte rosie 960.00 Orez 14,400.00 Ardei 19200 Ardei …
DIS Livsmedel Köttfärs, styckdetaljer, fisk mm Färska grönsaker, rotfrukter potatis mm Färska ägg Dagsfärska bakverk och bröd och konfektyr Färska oberedda bär sylt och marmelad