Upphandlingenavser nyanskaffning av 2 st. flygbussar, Såväl nya som begagnade kan komma i fråga. Köparens önskemål avseende anpassning av fordonen samt transport av bussarna till Skellefteå, Västerbottens län, Sverige ska ingå i köpet. Upphandlingenavser nyanskaffning av 2 st. flygbussar, Såväl nya som begagnade kan komma i fråga. Köparens önskemål avseende …
В обхвата на обществената поръчката се включва доставка на един брой нов пътнически автобус 19/18+1/ места за нуждите на Община Съединение. Пътническият автобус, предмет на настоящата процедура, следва да е новопроизведен, отговарящ на изискванията към чисти превозни средства съгласно Директива (ЕС) 2019/1161 на Европейския парламент и на Съвета от 20 …
La fourniture et la livraison d'un véhicule de transport en commun de personnes au profit de la DICOM GSBdD La Réunion-Mayotte La fourniture et livraison d'un véhicule de transport en commun de personnes
The aim of the procurement is to cover the need for transport services including drivers and helpers to and from day activities and senior centre offers in the Bjerke district. With normal driving there are fewer than 34 people who need daily transport. The aim of the procurement is to …
Le présent marché fait suite à la consultation M202406 qui a été lancée le 26 avril 2024 et déclarée sans suite pour un motif d'intérêt général. Le Marché a pour objet la location de cars avec chauffeurs pour les services de la Ville de Villeparisis. Ces transports seront réalisés majoritairement …
Es sind 8 x 18 m Gelenkbusse mit Elektroantrieb und 2 x 12 m Solobusse mit Elektroantrieb zu liefern. Es sind 8 x 18 m Gelenkbusse mit Elektroantrieb und 2 x 12 m Solobusse mit Elektroantrieb zu liefern.
JAT. TA. Suministro de autobús interurbano PAN4. JAT. TA. Suministro de autobús interurbano PAN4.
Sunkiasvorės ir specialiosios paskirties transporto priemonės per CPO LT elektroninį katalogą Sunkiasvorės ir specialiosios paskirties transporto priemonės per CPO LT elektroninį katalogą
Sarpsborg municipality intends to enter into a dynamic purchasing system for the procurement of vehicles for the municipality. The municipality would like a scheme that shall cover the need for self-transport, as well as reduce climate and environmental impact. The scheme includes the following vehicles: - Minibuses up to 17 …
Oslo municipality, c/o the Agency for Improvement and Development, the Department for Procurement Services (henceforth referred to as the Contracting Authority), invites tenderers to a restricted tender contest for the establishment of a dynamic purchasing system (DPS) for the procurement of medium-heavy vehicles to Oslo municipality ́s entities. See the …