Autoritatea contractantă intentioneaza sa atribuie contractul cu obiectul "Furnizare microbuze electrice pentru proiectul "Transport școlar verde pentru elevii din Județul Mehedinți" ". Durata prezentului Contract începe de la data intrării în vigoare și se finalizează în maxim 8 luni de la data emiterii ordinului de livrare sau, după caz, la …
Przedmiotem zamówienia jest dostawa trzech pojazdów w nadwoziu MINIBUS (zgodnie z definicją Instytutu Badań Rynku Motoryzacyjnego SAMAR) kategorii M1 lub N1, o nadwoziu zamkniętym z dachem. Nadwozie zamknięte całkowicie przeszklone (łącznie z przestrzenią bagażową) z liczbą miejsc siedzących (w tym dla kierowcy) dla 8 osób. Dostarczone pojazdy muszą być fabrycznie …
Midi Bus mit mind. 25+1 Sitzplätzen Der Lieferumfang umfasst 1 Stück Midi Bus
Die Stiftung Behinderten-Transporte Zürich (BTZ) benötigt neue Fahrzeuge. Es wird die Lieferung von zehn voll ausgerüsteten Fahrzeugen mit batterieelektrischem Antrieb (BEV) für den Behindertentransport ausgeschrieben. Die Fahrzeuge müssen als Personenwagen mit einem Gesamtgewicht von maximal 3,5 t (bzw. max. 4,25 t, fahrbar mit Ausweiskategorie B) zugelassen werden können. Sie sollen …
Trollhättans Stad har inrättat ett Dynamiskt inköpssystem (DIS) innefattande Begagnade fordon. DISet är indelat i följande 5 kategorier 1. Personbilar 2. Transportfordon upp till 3,5 ton (ex.vis skåpbilar och flakbilar, pickuper) med eller utan specialbyggnation (special kan vara ex.vis kylbil) 3. Minibussar 4. Verksamhetsfordon entreprenad (ex.vis Redskapsbärare, Hjullastare, Traktorer) 5. …
Oslo municipality, c/o the Agency for Improvement and Development, the Department for Procurement Services (henceforth referred to as the Contracting Authority), invites tenderers to a restricted tender contest for the establishment of a dynamic purchasing system (DPS) for the procurement of medium-heavy vehicles to Oslo municipality ́s entities. See the …
The procurement concerns leasing and procurement of vehicles including vehicle administration. The procurement concerns leasing and procurement of vehicles including vehicle administration for zone 1: Hallingdal which consists of the following municipalities: Flå kommuneÅl kommuneHol municipalityGol municipalityHemsedal municipalityNesbyen kommuneHallingdal fire and rescue IKS The procurement concerns leasing and procurement of …
The procurement concerns leasing and procurement of vehicles including vehicle administration. The procurement concerns leasing and procurement of vehicles including vehicle administration for zone 1: Hallingdal which consists of the following municipalities: Flå kommuneÅl kommuneHol municipalityGol municipalityHemsedal municipalityNesbyen kommuneHallingdal fire and rescue IKS The procurement concerns leasing and procurement of …
LWETB wishes to establish a Dynamic Purchasing System( DPS) for provision of Bus Transport Services for students/participants travelling from and to schools and centres for various individual trips. The DPS will be in place initially for six (6) years with an approximated spend of €1.5 million over its lifetime. The …
UM bjuder in till ansökan om kvalificering i ett dynamiskt inköpssystem (DIS) avseende nytillverkade och begagnade fordon inom kategorierna personbilar, transportbilar och minibussar upptill åtta (8) passagerare. Ansökan kan göras löpande under giltighetstiden. UM bjuder in till ansökan om kvalificering i ett dynamiskt inköpssystem (DIS) avseende nytillverkade och begagnade fordon inom …