24-CP09-034-AC - Fourniture de bons d'habillement pour des agents du Centre Pompidou 24-CP09-034-AC - Fourniture de bons d'habillement pour des agents du Centre Pompidou
Provision of Operational and Service Dress Footwear for An Garda Síochána Provision of Operational and Service Dress Footwear for An Garda Síochána
Rahmenvereinbarungen über die Lieferung von Unterwäsche kurz, flammhemmend, Bekleidungssystem Marine Bord, bestehend aus - Unterhemd, kurz (1/2 Arm), unisex - Unterhose, kurz, Herren und Frauen im Zeitraum vom 01.04.2025 bis 31.03.2029 Unterhose, kurz, Herren, ASD 30030A Mindestbestellmenge: 41.341 Stück zusätzliche unverbindlich geschätzte Bestellmenge: 5.561 Stück Maximalmenge: 60.972 Stück Unterhose, kurz, …
This DPS has been prepared for the purpose of providing information to economic operators interested in participating in a public procurement process for the establishment of a Dynamic Purchasing System (hereafter the DPS) for the supply, where relevant of Compression Garments. This DPS has been prepared for the purpose of …
The Norwegian Directorate of Immigration (UDI) hereby invites interested tenderers to apply to be qualified for a dynamic procurement scheme for clothing packages. This is a renewed announcement of a dynamic procurement scheme for clothing packages, with the following changes: the scheme is not exclusive, possibility of awarding a framework …
The Norwegian Directorate of Immigration [Utlendingsdirektoratet (UDI)] invites interested tenderers to apply to be qualified for a dynamic purchasing system for clothing packages. Click https://permalink.mercell.com/208083812.aspx The dynamic purchasing system will cover the Norwegian Directorate of Immigration's needs for clothing packages in a normal situation for arrivals, and possibly for a …