Gjøvik municipality, c/o the Department for Development, intends to enter into a assistance contract for legal consultancy services for the construction project Biri Water Treatment Facility. Gjøvik municipality, c/o the Department for Development, intends to enter into a assistance contract for legal consultancy services for the construction project Biri Water …
DJI heeft de behoefte om laagrisico justitiabelen elders op te laten vangen en te begeleiden dan in een PI. De detentie vindt onder directievoering van PI Roermond plaats. Hiertoe zijn verschillende eisen, namelijk: de locatie moet nabij de PI liggen (max. 20 kilometer), de dienstverlener moet ervaring met de opvang …
The contracting authority is Fauske, Saltdal, Sørfold and Gildeskål municipalities. Further information on the municipalities can be found on the websites. The competition is for the procurement of legal services in the area of child protection. Innkjøpsservice Advokatfirma is assisting the municipalities with the implementation of the procurement process. The …
The contracting authority shall enter into a framework agreement with a tenderer for land acquisition services in connection with transport projects in Troms County. The contracting authority ́s description of the delivery is in annex 1: "Performance Description" and annex 2: "Process Description land acquisition TFK"A framework agreement shall be …
The competition is for a framework agreement for the delivery of general services in support of their organisation for the development and execution of building and construction projects. The procurement ́s value is estimated to approx. NOK 1,500,000 excluding VAT per annum. The maximum value for the entire contract period, …
Gjøvik municipality, c/o the Department for Development, intends to enter into a assistance contract for legal consultancy services for the construction project Biri Water Treatment Facility. Gjøvik municipality, c/o the Department for Development, intends to enter into a assistance contract for legal consultancy services for the construction project Biri Water …
The objective of the procurement is to enter into a contract for legal assistance in procurement processes. The objective of the procurement is to enter into a contract for legal assistance in procurement processes.
Η Παροχή Υπηρεσιών Επίδοσης Κλήσεων Κατηγορουμένων (Κατηγορητήρια) ή Μαρτύρων και Διαταγμάτων που εκδίδονται σε Ποινικές Διαδικασίες οι οποίες εγείρονται από την Αστυνομία ή Κυβερνητικό Τμήμα, Δήμο, Συμβούλιο Περιοχής Βελτιώσεως, Κοινοτική Αρχή, Επιτροπή Δημόσιας Υγείας και οποιονδήποτε άλλο Οργανισμό Δημόσιου Δικαίου, ενώπιων των Δικαστηρίων της Κυπριακής Δημοκρατίας, καθώς και ενώπιον των …
The contracting authority is the Norwegian Labour Inspection Authority. Arbeidstilsynet (The Norwegian Labour Inspection Authority) is a governmental agency under Arbeids- og inkluderingsdepartementet (the Ministry of Labour and Social Inclusion), focused on occupational safety and health. The Norwegian Labour Inspection Authority consists of a directorate and an outer department with …
DJI heeft de behoefte om laagrisico justitiabelen elders op te laten vangen en te begeleiden dan in een PI. De detentie vindt onder directievoering van PI Roermond plaats. Hiertoe zijn verschillende eisen, namelijk: de locatie moet nabij de PI liggen (max. 20 kilometer), de dienstverlener moet ervaring met de opvang …