This request for information (RFI) has been prepared to collect information from tenderers regarding systems for management systems for information security and privacy (ISMS) for Statens Pensjonskasse (SKP) with approx. 500 employees in Norway. The objective of this RFI is to carry out a market survey as a basis for …
Hankelepingu esemeks on hankelepingus toodud spetsifikatsioonile vastavad seadmed Hankelepingu esemeks on hankelepingus toodud spetsifikatsioonile vastavad seadmed
Erneuerung der Virtualisierungsumgebung der Stadt Schwedt/Oder 6 Stck Nutanix Node NX-8170-G9 inkl. folgender Ausstattung: - 2x Intel Xeon-Gold 5415+ 1,9 GHz, 8-Core/150W. Sapphire Rapid - 12x 64GB RAM 4800MHz, DDR5 RDM - 6x 7,68 TB NVMe SSD - No SSD as Part of the system configuration - 1x LOM Module: …
1. Przedmiotem Zamówienia jest wykonanie następujących elementów: Zaprojektowanie i wykonanie robót dla zadania pn. „Budowa obiektu budowlanego pn.: linia kolejowa nr 622 Podłęże R401 – Gdów na odc. F od km 0+000 do km 17+487 wraz z infrastrukturą techniczną wzdłuż linii kolejowej nr 622 na odcinku od km 0+000 do …
Suministro del hardware de la plataforma de almacenamiento y su implantación posterior para la migración del actual entorno NAS y SAN FC de la infraestructura informática del Organismo de Gestión Tributaria de la Diputación de Barcelona. Suministro del hardware de la plataforma de almacenamiento y su implantación posterior para la …
The procurement shall cover the Contracting Authority ́s need for Electronic Medication Support (EMS) with the accompanying services. With the aim of being able to see to different needs connected to different service recipients, employees and relatives, the total need is divided over 6 sub-contracts based on defined needs descriptions. …
WACREN’s objective in publishing this tender (with GEANT’s support) is to secure a contract for the supply and support of cloud server equipment to provide member services, funded under the AfricaConnect3 project. The project, 80% funded by the European Commission (EC), will build upon the high-capacity network for research and …
Vestland County shall have a framework agreement for server/storage for the purchase of products and associated hourly services. Vestland County shall have a framework agreement for server/storage for the purchase of products and associated hourly services.
BAXE risinājuma pilnveidošana, ieviešot mākslīgā intelekta funkcionalitāti BAXE risinājuma pilnveidošana, ieviešot mākslīgā intelekta funkcionalitāti
Die ONTRAS betreibt das 7.700 Kilometer umfassende Fernleitungsnetz in Ostdeutschland und verantwortet den zuverlässigen und effizienten Transport gasförmiger Energie - heute und in Zukunft. Dabei gestaltet sie den Energiemarkt der Zukunft aktiv mit und entwickelt nachhaltige Lösungen für seine Infrastruktur. Dabei setzt die ONTRAS auf eine zuverlässige Technik, langjährige Erfahrung …