Koeratoidu ostmine tellimuste alusel Politsei-ja Piirivalveametile ja Maksu- ja Tolliametile Kuivtoidud peavad omama „Super Premium“ sertifikaati. Täpsemad tingimused sätestatud tehnilise kirjelduse osas 1. Tasakaalustatud toortoidusegu ja tükeldatud loomalihamass vastavalt tehnilise kirjelduse osale 2. Konservide nõutav koostis sätestatud tehnilise kirjelduse osas 3. Kuivtoidud peavad omama „Super Premium“ sertifikaati. Treeningmaiuste nõuded sätestatud …
Politiets Fellestjenester (PFT), hereafter called the Contracting Authority, shall, on behalf of the Police Department and oslo police district (OPD) at the riding corps, enter into a framework agreement for the delivery of feed and accessories as well as equipment for operation within and outside stables. The Riding Corps is …
Politiets Fellestjenester (PFT), hereafter called the Contracting Authority, shall, on behalf of the Police Department and oslo police district (OPD) at the riding corps, enter into a framework agreement for the delivery of feed and accessories as well as equipment for operation within and outside stables and riding houses. Further …