Sarpsborg municipality invites tenderers to a restricted competition for the establishment of a dynamic procurement scheme for future procurements of consultancy and consultancy services connected to the building and construction area and related areas. The dynamic purchasing system that will be entered into will be widely used for area planning, …
Det dynamiske indkøbssystem omfatter Ordregivers løbende indkøb af tekniske rådgivere. Det dynamiske indkøbssystem er opdelt i 10 selvstændige kategorier, hvortil de Ansøgere som opfylder egnethedskravene prækvalificeres, og hvori Ordregivers Mini-udbud gennemføres. En Kategori skal ses som en selvstændig delaftale. En økonomisk aktør kan således søge om optagelse i systemet på …
Ingénierie et investigations géotechniques pour les ouvrages portuaires, maritimes et fluviaux sur le territoire de Lorient Agglomération - Phase candidature Le titulaire du présent marché pourra être amené à réaliser, sur des sites ou ouvrages relevant du domaine des infrastructures portuaires ou des ouvrages de protection contre les inondations : …
Välkomna att lämna ert bästa anbud i upphandlingen av Tekniska konsulter och konsulttjänster inom geoteknik, geohydrologi, hydrologi och miljötekniska markundersökningar. Upphandlingen är indelad i två (2) avtalsområden Avtalsområde A - Tekniska konsulter och konsulttjänster inom geoteknik, geohydrologi, hydrologi och miljötekniska markundersökningar. Avtalsområde B - Tekniska konsutler som beställarstöd för geoteknik, …
Alta municipality shall enter into parallel framework agreements without re-opening for technical consultants. It will be possible to enter into a contract for one or several disciplines for 1-3 tenderers for each discipline. Technical consulting services See the tender documentation See the tender documentation See the tender documentation See the …
The project Grøn net Sjælland, Lolland og Falster which include two investigation sites; The Vordingborg project and the Orehoved-Radsted project, will contribute to upgrading and expanding the transition network. The purpose of the assignment is to investigate and document the geotechnical and geological conditions at the location where the HDD …
Nordland fylkeskommune (the contracting authority) invites interested suppliers to apply for admission in a dynamic procurement scheme (DPS) for planning and engineering design services for Nordland county. Nordland fylkeskommune (the contracting authority) invites interested suppliers to apply for admission in a dynamic procurement scheme (DPS) for planning and engineering design …
The aim of the procurement is to enter into a dynamic purchasing system (DIO) that shall cover the contracting authority ́s need for consultancy services in all disciplines defined by KS as well as all disciplines within urban operations, infrastructure, area and environment. This is both for operation and investment …
Zriadenie DNS. Cieľom DNS je umožniť verejnému obstarávateľovi flexibilné zadávanie zákaziek v súlade so zákonom o verejnom obstarávaní podľa svojich reálnych potrieb, t.j. v čase a rozsahu, ktorý mu je známy. DNS bude slúžiť na zadávanie zákaziek týkajúcich sa architektonických a inžinierskych služieb bežne dostupných na trhu, v rámci DNS …
“Felles Innkjøpskontor” (Joint Procurement Office) will, on behalf of the municipalities Vestby, Frogn, and Nesodden, establish a dynamic procurement arrangement for the acquisition of consulting and advisory services. This arrangement aims to cover the need for such services in the following areas: Building and real estate Urban planning services Fire …