Diverse elektrische Messgeräte und Spannungsversorgungen für die Nutzung in einer Laborumgebung - umfassend Generatoren, Netzteile, Oszilloskope, Analysatoren und SMU Beschafft werden diverse elektrische Messgeräte, Spannungsversorgungen und Signalgeneratoren für die Nutzung und Anwendung in einer Laborumgebung. Dies umfasst im Einzelnen die Geräte entsprechend der tabellarischen Stückliste gem. Pos. 1.2 und der …
Vastavalt hanketeates ja hanke alusdokumentides sätestatule generaatorite ostmine. Vastavalt hanketeates ja hanke alusdokumentides sätestatule generaatorite ostmine. Vastavalt hanketeates ja hanke alusdokumentides sätestatule generaatorite ostmine. Vastavalt hanketeates ja hanke alusdokumentides sätestatule generaatorite ostmine. Vastavalt hanketeates ja hanke alusdokumentides sätestatule generaatorite ostmine. Vastavalt hanketeates ja hanke alusdokumentides sätestatule generaatorite ostmine.
Tenderers are invited to a dynamic purchasing system for the procurement of municipal engineering equipment for Trondheim municipality by Trondheim city operations. In this stage of the process, interested suppliers can apply to be qualified and included in the dynamic purchasing system. Only qualified tenderers will have access to the …
Gasunie publiceert deze opdracht omdat er instrument air en nitrogen package units benodigd zijn. De instrument air package wordt gebruikt als voeding om stikstof te produceren. Stikstof wordt gebruikt voor het purgen of verdringen van waterstofgas uit diverse processen en om explosieve mengsels te voorkomen tijdens bedrijf of bij het …
The procurement of a small-scale hydrogen and oxygen generating facility (Water Electrolyser System) capable of generating pure hydrogen and oxygen gases at pressures up to 30 bar. The hydrogen product will be used for PEM fuel cell testing, charging small and medium sized Fuel Cell Electric Vehicles (FCEVs) and for …
Produsele ce urmeaza a fi achizitionate, respectiv: „Achizitie scule si unelte: Lot 1 – Generator cu putere 100KVA- (2buc.) Lot 9 – Remorca semnalizare- (32buc.)” este necesara pentru o buna functionare parcului auto din cadrul DRDP Bucuresti A. Conform art. 160 alin. 1 din Legea 98/2016, termenul limita pana la …
Procurement of magnet power supplies <120 W used in all accelerators at the MAX IV Laboratory, Lund University. Procurement of magnet power supplies <120 W used in all accelerators at the MAX IV Laboratory, Lund University. Procurement of magnet power supplies <120 W used in all accelerators at the MAX …
Procurement of magnet power supplies >120 W used in all accelerators at the MAX IV Laboratory, Lund University. Procurement of magnet power supplies >120 W used in all accelerators at the MAX IV Laboratory, Lund University. Procurement of magnet power supplies >120 W used in all accelerators at the MAX …
Entitatea contractantă intenționează să încheie un acord-cadru având ca obiect Materiale necesare desfasurarii activitatii cu forte proprii, programate si neprogramate, din cadrul S.N.T.G.N. Transgaz S.A (Exploatari Teritoriale, Sucursala Medias, Departamente, Directii si sedii administrative) a) numărul maxim de operatori economici care vor fi parte a acordului-cadru ce urmează să fie …
Sujeto a regulación armonizada de obras Sistemas de alimentación ininterrumpida para cargas TI