Das Zentrale Innovationsprogramm Mittelstand (ZIM) ist eines der größten bundesweiten Förderprogramme der Bundesregierung zur Förderung innovativer kleiner und mittelständischer Unternehmen sowie der mit diesen zusammenarbeitenden wirtschaftsnahen Forschungseinrichtungen; es ist themen-, technologie- und branchenoffen. Mit dem ZIM soll die Innovationskraft und damit die Wettbewerbsfähigkeit mittelständischer Unternehmen, einschließlich junger Unternehmen (Start-ups), des …
Provision of Market Research and Surveys Consultancy Services for Dublin City Council (DCC) Provision of Market Research and Surveys Consultancy Services for Dublin City Council (DCC)
The subject of this negotiated procedure is the conclusion of a contract for availability and accessibility services for the antibiotic named Vaborem in the EU/EEA countries participating in the pilot. The subject of this negotiated procedure is the conclusion of a contract for availability and accessibility services for the antibiotic …
Restricted call for tender to select a service contractor to support implementation of EU-China dialogue on environment and green economy. Restricted call for tender to select a service contractor to support implementation of EU-China dialogue on environment and green economy.
ID-professional competence is knowledge on the two main processes of issuance (mainly passports and ID cards) and checks before and after issuing and border control of identity and ID evidence. The issuing process requires knowledge of the Passport and ID Card Act, the regulations, the systems that produce ID evidence …
Smulkiųjų radioaktyviųjų atliekų darytojų radioaktyviųjų atliekų tvarkymo po 2038 metų modelio kūrimo paslaugų pirkimas Smulkiųjų radioaktyviųjų atliekų darytojų radioaktyviųjų atliekų tvarkymo po 2038 metų modelio kūrimo paslaugų pirkimas
The Ministry of Labour and Inclusion shall enter into a new four year review contract for collective working life. The agreement shall particularly focus on the working life parties, the collective actors, the tariff agreements, tariff audits and work conflicts, and shall contribute to further developing and communicating the knowledge …
SEGES har til opgave, at identificere og lave aftaler med landmænd med relevante stalde og overdækkede gylletanke. Endvidere skal danske smitteregler mv. overholdes. SEGES er i et andet projekt ved at måle metan-emissioner fra to stalde med slagtesvin, og skal fortsætte med målinger på yderligere to stalde med slagtesvin og …
Voor u ligt de Europese openbare aanbesteding van Vervoerregio Amsterdam voor het sluiten van een raamovereenkomst met vijf opdrachtnemers voor advies en onderzoek inzake infrastructurele projecten en mobiliteit. Zie voor meer informatie de aanbestedingsleidraad en bijbehorende bijlagen. Alle ondernemers die aan de eisen voldoen worden uitgenodigd een Inschrijving in te …
This action aims at supporting the National Parliament to kick-start BIPS (Cell) and help Parliament kick-starting the proper functioning of the BIPS with the objective to enrich knowledge and understanding of Members of Parliament through targeted research activities which will facilitate them better participation in the law-making process in the …