The Board of Management of CBS Secondary School (the contracting Authority)invites tenders("Tenders") to this call for tenders(CFT) from economic operators ("Tenderers") for the supply of goods as described in this CFT.The goods are to required to be delivered and installed at the new CBS Secondary Secooll,Loughboy Kilkenny before end of …
The Board of Management of Presentation Secondary School (the contracting Authority)invites tenders("Tenders") to this call for tenders(CFT) from economic operators ("Tenderers") for the supply of goods as described in this CFT.The goods are to required to be delivered and installed to Presentation Secondary School,,Loughboy,Kilkenny before end of Spring 2025.All goods …
1. Przedmiotem zamówienia jest jednorazowa dostawa narzędzi, elektronarzędzi i narzędzi spalinowych z akcesoriami dla RZGW Gdańsk do następujących lokalizacji: - Lokalizacja 1: Regionalny Zarząd Gospodarki Wodnej w Gdańsku, ul. Ks. Fr. Rogaczewskiego 9/19, 80-804 Gdańsk; - Lokalizacja 2: Zarząd Zlewni w Chojnicach, Stopień Mylof, Zapora 1, 89-642 Rytel; - Lokalizacja …
The Board of Management of Presentation Secondary School (the contracting Authority)invites tenders("Tenders") to this call for tenders(CFT) from economic operators ("Tenderers") for the supply of goods as described in this CFT.The goods are to required to be delivered and installed to Presentation Secondary School,,Loughboy,Kilkenny before end of Spring 2025.All goods …
The Board of Management of Boherbue Comprehensive School (the contracting Authority)invites tenders("Tenders") to this call for tenders(CFT) from economic operators ("Tenderers") for the supply of goods as described in this CFT.The goods are to required to be delivered and installed to Boherbue Comprehensive School,Boherbue,Mallow, Co Cork before end of August …
Due to the energy transition, we at Enexis are reinforcing entire neighborhoods all at once. We call this the neighborhood approach. This method brings new challenges. While we previously opened relatively short sections of trenches, we now deal with hundreds of meters in a row. As a result, the current …
Trondheim municipality, c/o Trondheim city operations, invites tenderers to a second notice for an open tender contest for a framework agreement for tools and tool materials for the municipality's entities. The objective of the tender contest is to enter into a cost efficient and quality agreement for the procurement of …
Bollnäs kommun genomför upphandling av inhyrning av hyresmaskiner till Bollnäs och Ovanåkers kommun inklusive det samägda bolaget Helsinge Vatten AB. Uppdraget omfattar exempelvis: • Borr- & bilningsmaskiner, packningsmaskiner, kompressorer • Avstängningsmaterial • Bodar, vagnar, containrar Inklusive bolaget Helsinge Vatten AB Inklusive bolaget Helsinge Vatten AB
Przedmiotem zamówienia jest dostawa samochodów kwatermistrzowskich, ciężkiego samochodu ratownictwa technicznego z hds oraz ciężkiego samochodu ratownictwa chemiczno-ekologicznego z podziałem na części tj.: Część I – Dostawa 2 szt. samochodów kwatermistrzowskich 6x6; Część II – Dostawa 2 szt. samochodów kwatermistrzowskich 4x4; Część III – Dostawa 1 szt. ciężkiego samochodu ratownictwa technicznego …
Om het resultaat van de opdracht te bereiken moet door u, wanneer de opdracht aan u wordt gegund, diverse activiteiten worden verricht. Deze activiteiten worden ook wel de ‘scope van de opdracht’ genoemd. De activiteiten worden hierna op hoofdlijnen weergegeven: • Levering van gereedschappen en aanverwante artikelen (o.a. zoals opgenomen …