Prestations de services d'impression, de pré-identification et livraison aux praticiens d'un imprimé pré-identifié référencé S6909F - Certificat médical, initial, de prolongation, final, de rechute accident du travail/maladie professionnelle. Prestations de services d'impression, de pré-identification et livraison aux praticiens d'un imprimé pré-identifié référencé S6909F Certificat médical, initial, de prolongation, final, de …
Acquisition of electronic books (‘e-books’), including collections or packages of e-books. The contracting authorities have their seats and main sites in the EU, many of them in Brussels (Belgium) Acquisition of electronic books (‘e-books’), including collections or packages of e-books. The contracting authorities have their seats and main sites in …
Předmětem veřejné zakázky je tisk, kompletace a distribuce daňových neplacených tiskopisů vydávaných Ministerstvem financí pro Finanční správu České republiky, Celní správu České republiky a Ministerstvo financí. Provedení tiskopisů musí odpovídat požadavkům stanoveným v Příloze č. 1 ZD - Závazném návrhu rámcové dohody (dále pouze jako „Závazný návrh rámcové dohody“). V …
The supply and fulfilment of Branded Merchandise / Promotional material for Meath County Council Host of Age Friendly Ireland Shared Service. A multiparty framework will be established on foot of this tender with seven suppliers. The supply and fulfilment of Branded Merchandise / Promotional material for Meath County Council Host …
RFT for the provision of Print and Design goods and associated services for HSE National Healthy Childhood Programme Dear DPS Member, Please find attached Request for Tender (RFT) for HSE National Healthy Childhood Programme. The Tender Response Date is: 17.00, on Tuesday, 29th October 2024. Responses must be submitted to …
Framework agreement for Signs, printing and profiling services for VLFK and all associated departments Framework agreement for Signs, printing and profiling services for VLFK and all associated departments
RFT for the provision of Print and Design goods and associated services for Department of Agriculture, Food and Marine RFT for the provision of Print and Design goods and associated services for Department of Agriculture, Food and Marine
Forsvaret og Beredskabsstyrelsen under Ministeriet for Samfundssikkerhed og Beredskabet (herefter ”Beredskabsstyrelsen”) har efter udråbelsen af HKH Kong Frederik X og HM Dronning Mary den 14. januar 2024 behov for at indkøbe nye officielle gallaportrætter af deres kongelige højheder, til erstatning for de nuværende gallaportrætter, i hele Forsvarsministeriets koncern, samt til …
Fournitures d'imprimés de supports de communication et prestations associées pour les établissements du GHT 78 Sud Fournitures d'imprimés de supports de communication et prestations associées pour les établissements du GHT 78 Sud
De opdracht omvat de levering en de daarbij behorende dienstverlening van promotieartikelen, ten behoeve van de Belastingdienst, Douane en Toeslagen. Het gaat hier specifiek om de koop en levering van diverse promotieartikelen ter promotie van de Belastingdienst, Douane en Toeslagen. Raming betreft 2.550.000,= euro ex BTW, maximale contractwaarde 2.890.000,= euro …