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SPD6/2024/035 - Framework Contract for the Supply and Delivery of Second-Class Water for Irrigation Purposes for the Ta' Qali National Park
The subject of this tender is the Supply and Delivery of Second-Class Water for Irrigation Purposes for the Ta’ Qali National Park, on a Framework Contract basis. The supplies shall be on an ‘as and when required’ basis and as may be required by the Contracting Authority.A clarification meeting/site visit …
CPV: 41120000 Nicht trinkbares Wasser, 44613500 Wassercontainer, 60600000 Transport zu Wasser und zugehörige Dienste, 63720000 Hilfstätigkeiten für den Wasserverkehr, 63726000 Diverse Hilfsdienste für den Transport zu Wasser
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