The establishment of a panel for the provision of suitable sites for adventure trips for LMETB students. Whether day trips, one over night or two over nights including weekends, The establishment of a panel for the provision of suitable sites for adventure trips for LMETB students. Whether day trips, one …
Sinds 2018 wordt op de laatste vrijdag van september op de campus van de TU/e een feestelijke dag georganiseerd met de naam MomenTUm. Op deze dag krijgen de net afgestudeerde Bachelors of Science hun diploma! Het evenementenbureau dat MomenTUm mag gaan organiseren, moet in staat zijn een groot evenement (minimaal …
The establishment of a panel for the provision of suitable sites for adventure trips for LMETB students. Whether day trips, one over night or two over nights including weekends. Applications to join the panel will still be considered after this date. To be included on the panel you should review …
Execució dels serveis per a la gestió del Casal, casalet, matins esportius i casal jove, per lots Lot 1: Casal, casalet i matins esportius Lot 2: Casal jove
The establishment of a panel for the provision of suitable sites for adventure trips for LMETB students. Whether day trips, one over night or two over nights including weekends. Applications to join the panel will still be considered after this date. To be included on the panel you should review …
Ejecución, mediante categorías, de los servicios demandadas por el Ayuntamiento de forma habitual, descritas en el ANEXO, Ejecución, mediante categorías, de los servicios demandadas por el Ayuntamiento de forma habitual, descritas en el ANEXO,
For the provision of suitable Coláiste Gaeltachta sites for LMETB Students sites for Gaeltacht Scholarships /Activities whether day trips, one over night or two over nights including weekends, two week or three weeks residential as required by the school/centre. – Year 3 Final Year For the provision of suitable Coláiste …
Les établissements du GHT des Bouches du Rhône peuvent proposer à certains patients dans le cadre de leur traitement des activités physiques, thérapeutiques et artistiques. Le Groupement Hospitalier de Territoire (GHT) des Bouches du Rhône a fait le choix pour répondre à ses besoins ponctuels et spécifiques de lancer de …
Longford and Westmeath Education and Training Board proposes to engage in a competitive process for the establishment of a DPS from which it will source service providers for the provision of suitable sites for adventure trips, whether day trips, one over night or two over nights including weekends, or as …
DDLETB invites all suitable operators to participate in a panel for the provision of suitable sites for nationwide adventure trips for DDLETB. DDLETB invites all suitable operators to participate in a panel for the provision of suitable sites for nationwide adventure trips for DDLETB.