Servicio de planificación, diseño y realización de los programas de educación ambiental en Palma. Servicio de planificación, diseño y realización de los programas de educación ambiental en Palma.
In 2025 the Norwegian Environment Agency will start a new project that shall create all-covering natural maps based on Nature in Norway system (NiN). Two announcements are planned for the project during the first part of 2025, one for field mapping and one for map production. We are already sharing …
Par son arrêté n°26-2023-05-17-00002 du 17 mai 2023, Monsieur le Préfet de la Drôme charge l?ADEME notamment des prestations suivantes : « Tri, évacuation et traitement / revalorisation des déchets dangereux et des déchets non dangereux présentant un risque d'incendie (hors déchets issus des dégradations du bâtiment) » sur le …
Sustainable Public Procurement Helpdesk for EU-Institutions and -Bodies Sustainable Public Procurement Helpdesk for EU-Institutions and -Bodies
Upphandlingen omfattar ramavtal av tekniska konsulter inom miljö. Upphandlingen är uppdelad i nedanstående anbudsområden: Anbudsområde 1 - Dagvatten Leverantören ska tillhandahålla konsulter med kompetens inom dagvatten, hydrogeologi och vattenskydd. Anbudsområde 2 - Markmiljöteknik Leverantören ska tillhandahålla konsulter med kompetens inom markmiljötekniska undersökningar inklusive förorenad mark, miljö- och hälsoriskbedömningar samt porgasmätningar …
The contract is to supply services to DG ENV.F.3 in order to assist with the smooth and effective implementation of Council Regulation (EC) No 338/97, as well as the Implementing Regulations and the Regulation prohibiting the introduction into the Union of specimens of certain species of wild fauna and flora …
Technical Assistance to PADIDZOF Project Morocco Technical Assistance to PADIDZOF Project Morocco
The contract will fill some severe knowledge gaps identified in the impact of 2040 climate targets and thereby be a direct contribution to the Green Deal’s call for increasing synergies between climate and biodiversity actions. Specifically, it will 1) better integrate the impacts of climate change and of natural disturbances …
DG Environment services seek support to develop one or several methodologies for defining quantitative planetary boundaries for the loading of man-made chemicals in the Earth system, and to provide a quantitative assessment on the current status on exceedance of such boundaries. Indeed, existing research did not provide quantitative assessment of …
Monitoring Makrophytobenthos in Küstengewässern Mecklenburg-Vorpommerns Vertrag über das Monitoring des Makrophytobenthos in Mecklenburg-Vorpommern für das Jahr 2025 mit der Option um Verlängerung um jeweils ein Jahr, längstens bis zum 31.12.2028 Beprobung und Bewertung der Küstengewässer mit dem PHYBIBCO- und BALCOSIS-Verfahren