Consultancy Services of the New State General Laboratory of the Republic of Cyprus, falling under categories 71200000, 71300000 and 71500000 of the CPV classification. Consultancy Services of the New State General Laboratory of the Republic of Cyprus, falling under categories 71200000, 71300000 and 71500000 of the CPV classification.
The contracting authority shall enter into a framework agreement for construction management (BL). The objective of the framework agreement is to ensure that the Contracting Authority, throughout the contract period, has access to assistance from good consultants with relevant competence to cover the Contracting Authority's ongoing need for services within …
Předmětem plnění této veřejné zakázky je vypracování projektové dokumentace a výkon inženýrské činnosti dle normových požadavků, požadavků dotčených orgánů a zadavatele (objednatele) v rámci projektu „Sociální bydlení města Liberce - II. etapa - Dr. Milady Horákové 339“. V rámci veřejné zakázky „Sociální bydlení města Liberce - II. etapa - Dr. …
Przedmiot zamówienia polega na pełnieniu funkcji inżyniera kontraktu dla zadania w zakres którego wchodzi budowa nowej siedziby Komendy Miejskiej Policji w Katowicach wraz z instalacjami wewnętrznymi i zewnętrznymi oraz zagospodarowaniem terenu, w tym budowa: 1) Budynku administracyjno - biurowego Komendy Miejskiej Policji wraz z masztem antenowym o wys. 21,0 …
Проектиране, изпълнение на строителство и упражняване на авторски надзор на обект: „Модернизация на образователна среда в Детска градина „Слънце“ - гр. Попово, чрез основен ремонт, обновяване и оборудване в основна сграда ДГ „Слънце““ Изпълнението трябва да допринесе за осигуряване на материална база, която гарантира здравословни и качествени условия за обучение …
The contracting authority shall enter into a framework agreement for the following disciplines: Project and construction management (PL and BL) Limitations on other types of assignments and contracts (assignments not included in this framework agreement): The sha-coordination aimed at the framework agreement is to ensure that the Contracting Authority has …
Telge Fastigheter AB inbjuder leverantörer att inkomma med ansökan gällande denna upphandling av Lina Vård- och Omsorgsboende. Telge Fastigheter AB inbjuder leverantörer att inkomma med ansökan gällande denna upphandling av Lina Vård- och Omsorgsboende.
Neubau der A 14, AS Wittenberge (m) bis AS Karstädt (o), VKE 1154 Prüfingenieurleistungen für die Bauwerke BW 13Ü, BW 14Ü, BW 15aÜ, BW 15bÜ und BW 16Ü Neubau der A 14, AS Wittenberge (m) bis AS Karstädt (o) Prüfingenieurleistungen für die Bauwerke BW 13Ü, BW 14Ü, BW 15aÜ, BW …
The Norwegian Public Roads Administration Development Area West and Bane NOR Development South-West on the Joint Project Arna-Stanghelle (hereafter called the "Contracting Authority") intends to procure a framework agreement (hereafter called the "framework agreement") with a tenderer (hereafter called the "supplier") for the provision of consultancy and engineering design services …
The Norwegian Defence Estates Agency shall enter into a framework agreement for project administrative assistance with one tenderer for projects mainly related to the Norwegian Armed Forces' air stations. The competition will be held as a negotiated procedure. In the prequalification phase, an application shall be submitted with documentation as …