De opdracht omvat het leveren van Programmamanagement en -consultancyservices rondom het inrichten van bedrijfscontinuïteitsmanagement en Disaster Recovery in het geval van een Cyberattack leidend tot (langdurige) uitval van ICT dienstverlening. overeenkomst voor 2 jaar De opdracht omvat het leveren van Programmamanagement en -consultancyservices rondom het inrichten van bedrijfscontinuïteitsmanagement en Disaster …
Aprobada la Ordenanza Reguladora de la Zona de Bajas Emisiones en el municipio de Valladolid, e instalado el sistema de control de acceso a dicha ZBE, se hace necesario asegurar que los sistemas informáticos y dispositivos relacionados, como las cámaras de control de accesos, los elementos de comunicación y la …
Telefonia y redes necesarias para el cumplimiento de los trabajos Telefonia y redes necesarias para el cumplimiento de los trabajos
GARA A PROCEDURA APERTA PER L’AFFIDAMENTO DEI SERVIZI DI GESTIONE, MANUTENZIONE ED EVOLUZIONE DELLA QUALIFIED EXCHANGE NETWORK (QXN) NELL’AMBITO DEL SISTEMA PUBBLICO DI CONNETTIVITÀ. – ID 2769 Gara a procedura aperta ai sensi del D.Lgs. n. 36/2023 per l’affidamento dei servizi di gestione, manutenzione ed evoluzione della Qualified eXchange Network …
Het doel van deze aanbesteding is om conform de wet- en regelgeving te komen tot een drietal getekende overeenkomsten waarin voor de komende jaren dienstverlening voor dataverbindingen wordt overeengekomen tegen de voor de Veiligheidsregio Utrecht economisch en kwalitatief meest gunstige condities. Deze aanbesteding is opgedeeld in 3 percelen. Geschatte waarde …
The objective of the procurement is to enter into a contract for the procurement of products and services for security and the firewall area. The following areas are included in the contract: - Delivery and operation of the outer firewall. Managed detection and response (MDR) - Security products - Security …
Sykehusinnkjøp HF invites tenderers, on behalf of Sykehuspartner HF, to a market dialogue as a part of the preliminary work for a procurement of resources for operations and management assignments in a data centre in Helse Sør-Øst, as well as other installation services for Sykehuspartner HF. The contracting authority shall, …
VITO is looking for multiple suppliers for provisioning of IaaS processing and storage resources, including data availability based on (public) Copernicus, but not limited to, earth observation data. VITO is looking for multiple suppliers for provisioning of IaaS processing and storage resources, including data availability based on (public) Copernicus, but …
Trinity College Dublin invites tenders for the supply, implementation, maintenance, and support of a SaaS-based Enquiry Management and Case Management service. The proposed implementation must be able to meet timelines and supplier must have experience in the sector. The new platform should be available for immediate use and legacy information …
The contract shall cover the Government Digitalisation Organisation (DIO) ́s need for access to the General Cloud (IaaS/PaaS) through a joint venture partner. Access to the General Cloud means access to a cloud service infrastructure and platform, often referred to as IaaS (Infrastructure as a Service) and PaaS (Platform as …